How to Buy Good Billiard Cues

This odd game where you take a long stick and hit another ball to get a bunch of other balls into a pocket seems to be an odd version of inside golf, but it’s called pool. Playing pool is one of those games that needs all the concentration of chess, the understanding of geometry that is held by the architect, the dexterity of a baseball pitcher, and the inner will and calm to make a small ball hit another ball to fall into a pocket. The only thing to destroy this is shotty or faulty equipment.

No matter if you’re going to be shooting a few games a year, or if you’re going to use it every weekend with your buddies, the quality of your equipment is important. The difference between a straight shot and a messed up shot very well could be the difference of the straightness of your cue. If your ball didn’t roll straight into the hole, it could be the ability of you felt brush, or the laying of your felt. Faulty equipment will stop your game in its tracks, and cause a lot of problems with your game.

Step 1

Let’s start with the number 1 most important piece of the pool set. The coveted and perfect pool cue. Pool cues are sold everywhere,from the local supermarket, to the sports stadiums, Wal-Mart, and the pool halls. You can buy any of these if you don’t care about your pool playing equipment. Pick up one of them that you like, and pull out the old debit card and it’s yours.

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However, there are a few items you might want to check before swiping that little money subtractor. That cue has to be as straight at possible. Remember, the cue is your aiming stick, and the whole point of the game. This piece of equipment has to do everything in the game. The straighter and more perfect the cue is, the better and more accurate your shot will be.

How do I make sure it’s straight?

There are two actions you want to perform to make sure it’s straight:

1) Bring the cue to the outside of your best eye or the eye you look at your shots when playing pool. As you look down the cue, focus on a specific item such as a lamp or a floor tile. You should not be able to see any deviation in the cue at all. It should be a straight line from your eye to the end of the cue and continuing to the spot you are focusing on.

2)Lay the cue on a flat surface.Make sure the surface is flat; use the floor if you have to.The tip and the butt of the cue should be touching the surface.With the palm of your hand, roll the cue.Pay very close attention to the tip.If the tip comes off of the surface, the cue is warped and will mess up your shot. If the cue can not roll because of a defect in the wood, this also is not a good sign. There are some cues, however; that have designs that are raised above the surface of the cue. Be careful of these decorative cues, many of them are designed to be just that – decorative.

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What else should I look for in a cue?

Examine the tip.There should be at least 3mm of tip there.The pad of the tip should look unused and soft to the touch.Many times the tip is hurt or banged in shipment, be very careful and watch for this. Flip the cue over and examine the butt.You are looking to make sure there is no general damage or cracking.

Are there a lot of different types of cues?

Yes! the cues are as the language the people speak while playing it. There are solid wood, balsa wood (a lot of solid wood cues), and the ever popular screw apart. This allows for easy storage, carry, and usage. But with these, there is a few additional things you have to check.

First, The screw together should be almost seamless, and this should not change the structure and straightness of the cue whatsoever. After you check its straightness, screw it back together2 or 3 times to make sure it screws together nicely. Look around where the screw points were inserted, and look for any gaps or cracks in the wood.Looking very closely at the screw points; there should not be any stray pieces of metal or shavings.Look into the barrel or “female” side of the cue. Look to see if there are any signs of rusting or wear. This part is easily seen as red or dark brown residue .

The most important thing to remember is to buy the correct tool for the job. Find the correct way of using the correct tool, and make sure you take care of that tool to the best of your ability. The goal is to have these items treat you well for a very long time, cause entertainment and joviality for a very long time.

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