How to Build Yugi’s Dark Magician Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh

One of the most fun and interesting aspects of the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game is trying to create a deck that mimics one used in the anime by one of your favorite characters. Seto Kaiba and Yugi Moto are two of the most mimicked duelist from this show, as well as Jaden Yuki and Syris Truesdale. Right now lets take a look at a deck mimicking that of the famed and renowned duelist for which the show is named after, Yugi Moto.

Yugi’s deck is known for it’s Dark Magician creatures, and so that is the kind monster you will want to focus on for the build of this deck. Since the Dark Magician and his counterparts are all spellcaster type monsters you may also consider a deck based around these creatures as a whole. There are many cards that pertain to only spellcasters and will fit nicely into a deck such as this.

First we have to find some monsters to fit into this deck. There will be more monsters rather then any kind a of card because you have to make sure you can protect your life points at all times. There will not only be spellcasters in this deck but a few odds and ends, as well as a good warrior base as well.

3 copies of Skilled Dark Magician
3 copies of Old Vindictive Magician
2 copies of Apprentice Magician
2 copies of Familiar Possessed – Eria
2 copies of Familiar Possessed – Wynn
2 copies of Exiled Force
1 copy of Goblin Elite Attack Force
1 copy of Cyber Dragon
1 copy of Dark Magician
1 copy of Dark Magician Girl
1 copy of Dark Magician of Chaos
1 copy of Treeborn Frog
1 copy of Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 copy of Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 copy of Spirit Reaper

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I know it’s a lot but there is a reason to all of this. There are 23 monsters, and for 5 of them you have to sacrifice 1 or 2 creatures to get them on the field. This means only 18 monsters can be played straight from your hand to the field. Skilled Dark Magician is a great attacker, and has the effect of possibly summoning out Dark Magician if played right. Old Vindictive Magician is a great removal card, and Apprentice Magician can search for the Old Vindictive. Both Eria and Wynn are awesome attackers and Exiled Force adds to the amount of removal you’re going to need.

Your tribute monsters are going to be a key focus for the deck. Treeborn Frog is a weak monster, but he keeps regenerating to your fild allowing you the monster needed for tribute summons. Dark Magician is in the deck because it’s based on Yugi’s deck and Dark Magician Girl draws off this concept and gains power due to the Dark Magician. Dark Magician of Chaos is an awesome card and one of the strongest you’ll be playing with.

The Monarchs, Zaborg and Mobius are great in any deck and fit well in here. Mobius will knowck out set magic and trap cards, while Zaborg can easily kill off any of your opponent’s hateful creatures. Aside form their great effects, both a an amazing attack of 2400, meaning big trouble for any opponent.

A lot of this deck will also draw off the amount of magic involved. With cards like Royal Decree and Jinzo played in a variety of decks trap cards may do you little or no good. Magic cards are just a safe alternative, and the ones pertaining to spellcasters are really powerful.

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1 copy of Premature Burial
1 copy of Heavy Storm
1 copy of Pot of Avarice
1 copy of Mystical Space Typhoon
2 copies of Fissure
2 copies of Smashing Ground
2 copies of Magical Dimension

Premature Burial is a great card calling back any monster you have discarded to the graveyard. This means that if Dark Magician, Zaborg, or any other tribute monsters were discarded during battle, or if you ditched them for a card effect then you can easily call them back. Heavy Storm and Mystic Space Typhoon are great magic/trap removal and Pot of Avarice gives you great draw power + some regeneration. Fissures and Smashing Grounds will clear the field for you, allowing some massive direct hits, and important field presence.

Magical Dimension is one card that pertains specifically to spellcasters. This card can only be played while you have a spellcaster on the field. You have to sacrifice that creature, then can summon any spellcaster from your hand. This means that Dark Magician can be summoned for only one tribute, and to top it off your opponent then looses a monster of your choice when the card resolves.

Traps play a small roll in a deck like this. There really is no need for anything beyond the powers of your magic cards.

1 copy of Call of the Haunted
1 copy of Torrential Tribute
1 copy of Mirror Force
1 copy of Karma Cut
1 copy of Ring of Destruction
3 copies of Sakuretsu Armor

Call of the Haunted will do the same thing as Premature Burial, calling back any of your creatures lost during the course of the game. Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force, and Sakuretsu Armor will serve as monster removal clearing the field and giving you advantage. Karma cut is a good removal, costing a card for your hand, but that just allows you to ditch high level monsters to summon them with Call of the Haunted and Premature Burial. Ring of Destruction is a great card killing any monster, and inflicting damage equal to the monsters attack points.

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So there you have it, a good solid build for a gamer trying to come up with a halfway decent Yugi Moto deck. This deck is very fun to play with, and annoying to play against. There are so many cards, such a wide variety, that an opponent will never know what you have in your hand, or what there getting ready to be hit with. This deck is tricky in many ways and can turn the tide of battle within one turn because of its massive amount of monster removal. Now it’s time to go out there and Duel!