How to Build a Small Rock Garden

A small rock garden is a striking addition to any landscape. Rocks have so much character with their different shapes and textures. Staying with a small rock garden makes this project easier to accomplish, and, of course, you can add a bit each year, if wanted. They are such an easy garden to maintain.

To achieve the natural beauty of a small rock garden, takes a few thought out steps. Below are the steps you will want to consider.

Choosing the Location of your Small Rock Garden:

Select a location that will get plenty of sun through the day. A rock garden needs good drainage, if you have an area with a slight slope this would be a perfect location. Make sure the location you want to use has no wires or drainpipes beneath it.

Type of Stone to use in your Small Rock Garden:

In choosing stone, local stone is always best and looks the most natural. If you are looking to make a more modern looking rock garden, this suggestion would not apply. If you are not lucky enough to have access to a field with stones, many of your local nurseries, salvage yards, gravel pits or farmers sell stone. If you have a quarry in your area you could always check there.

Consider the size of your stone you will want to use. Keeping in mind the lifting, hauling home and getting it to the location in your yard. Generally stone from four to twelve inches are manageable and a good size for a small rock garden.

Designing your Small Rock Garden:

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After deciding the location of your garden, but before you purchase your stone. Take a piece of paper and design the shape you would like for your rock garden and where you would like to add height with the stone. Then take a piece of rope or twine and stakes of wood, and mark out the desired shape in the location that you picked. This will give you a better idea of actual sizes and amount of stone needed. Most nurseries will help you figure out the amount and sizes you will need if you bring in the design you have drawn.

Building of your Small Rock Garden:

Items that may be helpful – wheelbarrow, spade or shovel, trowel, gloves, stone, gravel or broken clay pots to lay for drainage. In the area that you had staked out, dig the whole area about two inches in depth. Take stone or gravel and fill area about one inch deep to help with drainage and one inch for helping stone stay in place. Stone or gravel may not be needed if putting rock garden on a slope. Take stone and put largest stones in first, a trowel can help to dig out exactly where you want it, and then add smaller stones to your liking.

Planting in your Small Rock Garden:

Planting in a rock garden you can use perennials and/or annuals.
Creeping plants look good in rock gardens and sedums always do well. Flowering plants and perennials will need to be considered for your zone. Fill in any large gaps with some topsoil and press in firmly, add a little mulch or pebbles to plant flower. Water well to let plants get established. A rock garden is very low maintenance.

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