How to Become Video Game Tester

For many gamers, a job playing video games would be a dream come true. Because of this, many people search for jobs as a video game tester; however, being a video game tester is harder than just playing games all day. Just like any career, a job in video game testing requires professionalism and skills. Here is what you need to know before becoming a video game tester.

You will need an education.

While some game companies don’t require their game testers to have an educational background, many companies do. Professional video game testers usually have a bachelor’s degree in software development, computer programming, or coding and design. Education is required by many companies because testers need to know how to communicate with the developers and coders. A video game tester needs to know what errors and problems he needs to look for.

A video game tester with an education will know how to properly take notes for the programmers to read. Often times, a tester will write down common code and design terms on a notepad and later relay the information to programmers. An education in computer programming or game design will teach a tester what flaws to look for when testing a new game.

You will need certain skills.

Along with education, there are personal skills that companies require their video game testers to have. Since a lot of flaws in games are small, testers will need to be very observant and detail orientated. Here is a list of skills a game tester should have:

.Observation skills
.Communication skills
.Analytical skills
.Time management skills

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A person with these skills will have a much easier time finding a job as a game tester.

You will need to market yourself.

If you have never held a job as a game designer, you will need to market yourself at first. You need to let companies you exist. Make an excellent resume that lists all your experience and education, and send it out to literally hundreds of companies nationwide. Make sure that each company receives a personal cover-letter. Starting off, you may have to apply to smaller companies and work your way up from there. Many small companies hire experienced game designers to test their internet/social media games. This is a great way to get valuable experience to prepare you for bigger jobs.


1) Stay away from search engine results for jobs as a game tester.

Affiliate marketers are ranked high in the search results for this category, and you don’t want to get scammed out of your money. A lot of the game tester products offered by affiliate marketers offer valuable contacts and job offers, but none of them really deliver on their promise.

2) Start small.

Not many big-name companies will hire a game tester with no related work experience. You may have all the education you need, but if you don’t have work experience, you need to stick with small companies. It’s not bad to work for small companies; many small companies pay their game testers good money for their services.

3) Network with anyone in the gaming industry.

In today’s job market, finding a job is all about who you know. If you know important people in the gaming industry, you will have an easier time finding a job as a video game tester.

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For more information on this and other game news, check out my blog

Until later, happy gaming!

Tom – Senior editor at Associate Gamer