How to Become a Fashion Show Coordinator

Contact More Business Professionals than Fashion Designers
Non-profit organizations and retail stores can utilize skills of fashion show coordinators to put on a fundraising event. This is where the bulk of your fashion industry jobs will be found. Learn how to become a fashion show coordinator by volunteering to plan a fashion show for church or schools. Send out business cards to local organizations and small businesses that host events in your town. These entities will likely hire you for fashion show coordinator jobs based on previous experience. Networking with new fashion designers who make clothing or accessories is another way to become a fashion show coordinator.

Build Relationships with Modeling Agencies
As a fashion coordinator, you will need access to different sources of talent that bring a show together. Model agencies are one of the most important contacts that a fashion show coordinator can have. Introduce your new business or service to modeling agents at industry events. Agencies are the main source of modeling jobs, which makes actors and models eager to work. You will still need to become one of their favorite clients to gain access to their models.

Study Fashion Show Trends
Understand what’s hot and what’s not stylish when starting a fashion show coordinating business. This is especially important for men and women who are changing careers and may not have extensive knowledge of the fashion industry. Read fashion magazines and attend shows in foreign countries to find out if certain trends will be emerging in your home country. You can also build relationships with fashion designers who may give you exclusive access or information about their new line of clothing. Staying on top of trends will help you become a fashion show coordinator who can attract media and buyers who want new product.

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Find Potential Buyers for Clients
Fashion shows are not all focused on glamour and should generate money for clients. Contact potential buyers in advance to become a fashion coordinator who produces positive results. Invite buyers to all fashion show jobs that you obtain where the client wants to sell merchandise. Create catalogs or brochures for clients who have online websites where merchandise can be purchased. Give these marketing tools to all guests, especially potential buyers who may purchase wholesale items in bulk. If you can facilitate a large scale deal with retail stores, clients will bring more fashion coordinating jobs your way.

Build a Fashion Show Staff Contact List
Hire a group of individuals who can help to operate live fashion shows with ease. This will make sure you are not doing multiple jobs and can delegate tasks on the day of the event. Post job openings at fashion schools and industry related career boards. Doing so will make sure that you are contacted by skilled people when working to become a fashion show coordinator. Select a varied group of staff who has skills in marketing, directing models and hosting events and other aspects of fashion shows. Keep a contact list of staff members who excel in their jobs to hire them for future events.

Work for an Event Planning Company
Fashion enthusiasts who do not want the responsibilities of running a small business can obtain employment with a large event company. Weddings and corporate parties make up the bulk of jobs at these businesses. However, they are usually well established and contacted to produce fashion shows for old and new clients. This will give you an opportunity to become a fashion show coordinator without a lot of operating expenses. The event company may even designate a specific department for related occasions if you complete fashion jobs well.