How to Avoid and Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can be the result of many things. Allergies, crying, salt intake, not enough sleep, and many other things can result in puffy eyes. The cause, whatever it may be, is not very important, the important thing is getting rid of puffy eyes, because anyone whose had to deal with them knows that they are not very attractive. There are many ways to get rid of puffy eyes, but the trick is finding the way that works for you. You may have to try many before you find that one is successful in getting rid of puffy eyes, or you may get lucky and find that something that works right away. Here are some potential ways to get rid of puffy eyes.

Drink lots of water and avoid too much salt to avoid puffy eyes
When your body doesn’t get enough water, it starts to hold it in. Water retention can lead to puffy eyes, so it is always good to drink as much water as you can. Most people don’t get the recommended eight glasses a day, but try for at least half of that. Salt also causes water retention, and gives you puffy eyes the same way that not drinking enough water does. Try to avoid excess salt if you don’t want to wake up with puffy eyes.

Apply cold to your puffy eyes
The most popular way to get rid of puffy eyes is to apply something cool to them. There are many ways to do this, you can use cold spoons (which is often seen in the movies and on television), you can use ice packs, a cold washcloth, or anything similar. Be sure that you don’t pick something that is too cold, or you won’t be able to keep it on your face for very long and never be able to get rid of your puffy eyes. When you wake up in the morning, splash some cold water on your face.

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Use cucumbers, potato slices, or strawberries as eye presses
Many of you have probably seen women with cucumbers over their eyes at spas or something similar. This is done to reduce the puffiness around your eyes, and it actually works for most people. You can also cut slices of potatoes and use them for the same reason. Strawberry slices work as well. All you have to do is apply these slices to your eyes and leave them for about 5-10 minutes, and they will get rid of puffy eyes.

Use eye creams made for puffy eyes
There are many products on the market made especially to get rid of puffy eyes. You may have to try a few before you find the right one, because everyone is different and what works for others may not work for you. When applying the cream to your eyes, use your one of your fingers to gently tap the part around your eyes that is puffy. Doing this will help get rid of any extra fluid that could be causing your eyes to be puffy.

Get lots of sleep to avoid puffy eyes in the morning
The most common cause of puffy eyes is fatigue. If you haven’t been getting enough sleep or have been feeling extremely tired and find yourself with puffy eyes, this is definitely the reason. Try to go to sleep a little earlier, or fit in a nap at some point during the day and your puffy eyes should disappear.