How to Avoid a Shark Attack

If you love to swim in the ocean, you should know how to avoid a shark attack. Shark attacks are extremely rare and fatalities from shark attacks are even rarer. There have only been 49 fatal shark attacks in the last 440 years, although there have been over 1,000 non-fatal attacks during the same time period. Don’t be afraid to continue your swimming, surfing, sun bathing and fishing in the ocean just because of sharks.

Stay Out Of the Water At Dusk And Dawn To Avoid A Shark Attack

Early in the morning and early evening are prime times for shark attacks because sharks may be swimming closer to shore to feed, so stay out of the water. Also, due to poor lighting the shark may not be able to see you clearly. Avoid contact with sharks by staying out of the water in the morning and late afternoon or evening.

Wear Bright Colored Clothing To Avoid A Shark Attack

Do not look like a seal or a sea turtle if you want to avoid a shark attack. Sharks love seals and sea turtles. Do not wear a solid black wetsuit or a green patterned swim suit or shorts when you are swimming in the ocean. The shark may mistake you for its favorite meal. Also, do not wear shiny jewelry in the water, it may attract a shark.

Try Not To Bleed In The Water To Avoid A Shark Attack

Try not to bleed in the water avoid a shark attack. Sharks have a keen sense of smell and they can smell a drop of blood from miles away. If you begin to bleed, get out of the water. Just blood alone probably will not attract a shark. But if the shark was nearby and he was hungry and you looked like his prey, he just may attack. Reduce your risk and stay out of the water if you are bleeding.

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Do Not Swim In The Ocean Alone To Avoid A Shark Attack

You will have a better chance of the shark recognizing you as a non-food item if you are swimming with other people. Also, just for safety, you should have someone else with you. However, do not take your pets in the ocean with you. Animals in the ocean are more likely to attract sharks.

Fight Back If You Are Attacked By A Shark

If you are attacked by a shark, the first thing that you should do is punch him in the nose, head or eye. Just keep beating on the shark until it lets go of you. Poke your finger in his eye if you are able. Stay calm and yell for help.

Learn how to avoid a shark attack if you plan to spend time in the ocean, anywhere in the world.

Now that you know how to avoid a shark attack, you can swim, scuba, snorkel or fish in the ocean, safer than you were before.

