How the R. Kelly Verdict Compares Historically

From marriage to Aaliayah ( to charges of child pornography, R. Kelly has had quite a life. The Boondocks did a caricature of the trial; R. Kelly was found not guilty. Dave Chappelle was mock interviewed to be a juror for the trial of R. Kelly where he could not find R. Kelly guilty. Meanwhile, Jay-Z and R. Kelly went on tour and there was a blow out, threats were made but a truce was called and all is well today.

Throughout the past six years that R. Kelly has been faced with this entire situation many things have occurred in our nation’s history that were felt all around the world:

War in Iraq

George W. Bush voted in for a second term

Luther Van Dross and Rick James’ passing

James Brown’s passing

New Orleans devastated by Hurricane Katrina to this day

“Bush doesn’t like Black People”‘ Kanye West

A CIA agent exposed by the Bush White House

Barack Obama running for the Democratic nomination and winning it

Hillary Clinton running for the Democratic nomination and losing it

The Enron saga

The Bear Stearns saga

The WorldCom saga

Dave Chappelle not coming back for a third season

Erykah Badu giving birth to a little girl

There has been so many events, history making events in this country and globally that it’s had to gauge what the true significance of the results of the R. Kelly trial is and what it means for our criminal justice system. I polled all of my personal contacts and the most striking comment came from Valerie T. who stated, “This is a crazy case. I am not sure if he did it or not, but I can say that if he did that’s just wrong. On the flip side, I think guys have it A LOT harder than girls. I mean what are they supposed to do now a days? Ask for an ID every time they meet a girl? How are they to decipher if the ID is actually real or fake? These days females are growing up faster than ever and you can just never tell. All I can say is that if he did and he got off only he has to deal with his conscience and God in the end for his sins! Who are we to judge?”

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Desiree S. was upset by the verdict and stated, “I think it’s a load of bs. When it comes to the justice system and sexual assault and child perversion it always works for the criminals favor. Doesn’t surprise me that he got away with it and justice will come to him if not this lifetime, the next. I pray for his victims to find condolence and peace.”

Dave Chappelle actually aired a skit where he had the young lady sign a consent form and then a non-disclosure agreement before having an intimate relationship. It was really funny, on the other hand is this becoming our reality?

We can discuss and analyze this situation until the cows come home but the truth of the matter is very simple; there have always been scandalous women like Jezebel, there has always been naïve women like Pandora, and there will always be women like Matalahara and Delilah. Men have to be wise and let’s face it, men these days – real men – are hard to come by and these weak ones are easy to ensnare. This issue is that R. Kelly, Kobe Bryant, OJ Simpson, etc… have money and loads of it but no class. Well, our society has a whole is very shallow when it comes to class. There are very few gentlemen anymore. Most men are vulgar and lack self control. The most low of our men are also the most talented – it’s a catch 22 and a half. Maybe someone is trying to send us a message and make fools of us all at the same time. If we are going to worship the talent of these modern day artists, athletes and moguls then we pay the price for those who lack character.

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The point must be made that not everyone who is talented lacks class. Deon Sanders has strong character. Kellen Winslow has strong character as well as Hakeem Olajuwon and Otis Birdsong. Whether R. Kelly is truly guilty only he and the girl and God knows for sure. Meanwhile, the District Attorney’s offices throughout the country will take a hard look at evidence before they file charges against a Black man whether he has money or not; whether the D.A. wants to make headlines or not. Just a thought.
