How Senior Women Can Cope with Alopecia

Why do people lose their hair?
Many factors contribute to hair loss: age, hormone imbalance, psychological disorders (trichotillomania), genetics (you can thank your Mother and Father for this), high fever, severe illness, extreme stress, childbirth, chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, acne and skin medications, beta-adrenergic blockers for controlling blood pressure, birth control pills, burns, X-rays, scalp injuries. ringworm, frequent shampooing, perms, bleaching, and dyeing hair. By eliminating some of the latter practices, hair growth may return.

Women suffer most with the stigma of alopecia
According to Wikipedia and the American Hair Loss Association, hair loss in women can devastate their emotional well-being and self-esteem. Society more readily accepts men’s baldness (and many women like me think that bald men are sexy!). Doctors pay little attention to the concern women express over hair loss because it isn’t life-threatening. Such disregard can take an emotional toll, and can directly affect physical health.

Believe me when I say, losing your hair is awful! I once had long, thick hair until my early forties, when both hair and color began thinning and fading. I no longer felt as feminine or confident.

What types of treatments are available for alopecia?
Many treatments for hair loss exist, with some FDA-approved and others available in other countries. Drug treatments include: Minoxidil (Rogaine), Spironolactone (Aldactone), Cimetidine (Tagamet), Cyproterone Acetate, Estrogen and Progesterone pills and creams, oral contraceptives, Ketoconazole (Nizoral), Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar), and Cyproterone Acetate with Ethinyloestradiol (Diane 35, Diane 50). Hair extensions and hair replacement surgery may also be considered.

Unfortunately, for some seniors, the cost may be prohibitive, and success may be limited. Side effects may also appear, or interact with existing medication regimes.

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My alopecia solution
I gave Women’s Rogaine a try, but couldn’t afford its continuous treatment costs, in addition to coloring, cutting and styling my hair. My wonderful, talented daughter, a hair extension specialist, coifed my head with hair extensions for a couple of years, and it helped my self-esteem very much.

Eventually, the expense of keeping my hair up to par far exceeded my ability and time to pay for it. I had reached age 65, and now joined the “fixed income” brigade. It was time for me to find a workable solution.

I had a friend who wore wigs. She always looked dazzling and as cute and neat as a pin. I decided to try on a monofilament wig at a local wig salon inside the shopping mall. I was pleased with the thicker look, the compliment of colors available for various skin tones, the comfort, style, and the ability to care for it myself. I bought it, found wig care supplies at a nearby beauty supply store, and never looked back since!

I would highly recommend anyone who has never worn a wig, to try on various styles and shades at a wig salon before purchasing one. This visit will help you decide which is best for you! I now save money buying my wigs on-line for as much as 50% less than prices in wig salons. Several leading wig manufacturers offer good deals, and all styles and colors are available on-line.

I can afford to purchase a new wig every 4-5 months for less than what it had cost me to have my hair colored, cut, and styled monthly! If i want to have a short hairdo one day, and a flip the next, I don’t have to wait for my hair to grow out! I’ve received compliments from family, friends and strangers! My self-image is again restored, and I feel much more feminine.

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One reminder I learned the hard way is: avoid getting too close to the heat when opening hot oven doors. My bangs were “fried” twice! Keep an older wig to wear around the house .
