How Not to Attend a Taylor Hicks Concert

I would love to see a Taylor Hicks concert, however I am going to tell you how not to attend a Taylor Hicks concert. My first and so far my only Taylor Hicks concert was in 2007. Something has always gotten in the way since then. A sick kid, myself being sick, money and numerous other mishaps. But this year I promised myself that I would attend another Taylor Hicks concert in 2010.Once again though I discovered how not to attend a Taylor Hicks concert.

Taylor Hicks had two dates that were near where I live in Ohio. The first was in Cleveland Ohio at Fat Fish Blue on August 6th and the second was in Bay City Michigan at the Pig Gig Festival on August 7th. When these dates were announced I set out to make sure to attend at least one of them.

I saved my money but then unexpected bills came up and the money was spent. I saved again and planned to go to Cleveland but I changed my mind as I prefer an outside show. About a week before the show I found out I wasn’t going to be able to have anyone go with me and another bill came up and the money was gone again.

The day before the show I got the money again to go to Michigan and I had a couple friends of mine and my daughter lined up to go with me. I was thrilled I was finally going to get to see Taylor Hicks in concert again.

I left my house and went to Wal-mart to put money on my debit card so I could go back home reserve the tickets and motel room.. I use to work at Wal-mart and I was telling my ex co-workers that I would be leaving early in the morning to go to Taylor’s show in Michigan.

See also  Where is Taylor Hicks Now?

My husband and I walked out the doors and were headed to my car. As we got closer we saw no one was parked around my car at all and we saw a cart pusher standing beside it then we saw something I would have never expected to see. My drivers side lights were laying all over the pavement and my fender was on the pavement as well, with other parts from underside the drivers side scattered around.

A woman in a Dodge truck was parked beside me and she said she did not judge correctly the distance between her vehicle and mine and the front tire of her truck hit my car. We found out later it was fifteen hundred dollars worth of damage.

I was supposed to be leaving for Michigan the next day at 9am and here it was Friday at 7pm and my car was mangled and laying all over Wal-mart’s parking lot. Once again my plans to attend a Taylor Hicks concert was canceled.

So if you want to know how not to attend a Taylor Hicks concert or better yet to be sure you can attend a Taylor Hicks concert do not park at Wal-mart the evening before the show and go in the store. Of all the things that have gotten in the way of me going to a Taylor Hicks concert this one was the most shocking. I never expected to walk into a store and walk back out and see my car with its front end lying on the stores parking lot.
