How Ignoring Vaginal Infections Can Lead to Fertility Problems in the Future

Women, we must pay attention to this advice, especially if you wish to become pregnant someday. Pay attention to any possible vaginal infection you may have. I know, this is something we do not want to discuss. If the symptoms are not too severe, we put it down to a possible yeast infection and wait it out, praying it will quickly cure itself. In the process, we may use some over the counter remedies. But what we should be doing is seeing a doctor.

Why? Infections in the vaginal region can be serious. They can lead to long term problems such as infertility issues later in life. They can make it difficult to become pregnant and they may cause complications to occur once you do become pregnant. They can even signal that you are infected with a possible STD (sexually transmitted disease). Plus, 75% of the women who think their symptoms are indicating a yeast infection have something else.

What else could they have? Here are a few examples of other possible infections that you may have.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

The symptoms of this is a fishy smelly water discharge. This discharge can be even more noticeable after intercourse. There also may be some itchiness.

Bacterial Vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria that live in the vagina. Some causes for this overgrowth could be using douches too often, using an IUD device or even having a new sex partner.

If you have BV you are more at risk of contracting HIV, pelvic scarring which can lead to infertility. Women who have had BV and left untreated may also have babies that are born with low birth rates.

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BV is treated with antibiotics. It may occur again in three months. If it does, you will need to be treated again with antibiotics for a longer period.

Trichomoniasis (trich)

Symptoms of Trich can include a yellow green discharge, a musty ordor and bleeding after sex.

Trich is a common, but curable STD. It is caused by a parasite that passes by partner to partner. Men may show no signs of it. Yet, some men may have some itching or burning after urination or ejaculation.

Trich is cured with a signal dose of an antibiotic such as metronidazole or tinidazole. Your sex partner should also take the antibiotic.

Nonifectious vaginits.

The symptoms of noinfectious vaginits is basically itchiness and inflammation of your genital region.

This infection may be caused by an allergy. The tissue of the vagina is very delicate. For this reason some sprays, spermicides, perfumes (such as certain bath soaps) or douches may sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

Try to determine what is causing the allergy and avoid it. To treat the symptoms use some kind of gentle soothing lotion such as Eucerin lotion. You may also want to consider washing your underwear in unscented fabric softener.

Finally, there is the yeast infection.

The symptoms of this is a itchiness and inflammation in the genital region. You may also experience a white, cheesy type discharge.

Yeast infections are normally caused by a fungus (the yeast) that lives in our vaginas. Certain factors will at times cause this fungus to over grow. Some reasons that this happens are wearing tight clothes, that create a moist dark area for them to grow or taking antibiotics. The antibiotics kill the bad bacteria as well as they good. The good bacteria is what keeps this fungus levels at just the right amount.

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You can go to the doctor to check for a yeast infection or you can now buy a self test and check yourself. It is called Fem-V and generally costs about $8. If you do have the infection, there are many different over the counter remedies you can also buy. If you continually get yeast infections, you should consult your doctor.

It is normal for women to have slight itchiness and even wetness. The main thing is to know your body and to recognize when it isn’t functioning normally. Then do not sit ideally back and wait for it to return to normal. If you realize there may be a problem, talk to your doctor. Don’t risk the chance at allowing a possible infection to grow, allowing it to damage your body permanently. Be smart.