How I Began My Own Dog Grooming Business from My Home

When you were a child you probably played house, teacher, cowboys and Indians, among many of the fun make-believe games that children play. As time goes on, mom and dad try to encourage extensive education so a child can be prepared for a career in adulthood. Some kids hesitate in making the decision “what do I want to be when I grow up?” Problem is that some people never know the answer; in fact, I am still asking that same question. One thing I always knew is that I love animals and want to work with them. After my children were a little older, I returned to school to learn how to be a dog groomer and accomplish my dreams.

I do run my own dog grooming business from the lower level of my home but it did take years of school, working in shops and hands-on training. After I graduated from the Midwest Dog Grooming School, I was fortunate to acquire a grooming job in a neighborhood shop. Most establishments require that you have experience before giving you a chance to put your skills to the test. This grooming shop owner had two shops and was happy to give me that opportunity in both of her shops. Pay was established by getting half the cost of grooming a particular dog. After getting the years of experience I needed, I knew I deserved to get the full fee involved, not just half. There are a lot of risks involved in grooming such as getting cut, stabbed or clipped from the equipment as well as dog bites. That is when I decided to branch off and find my own clientele, grooming out of my home.

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Starting my own shop began with schooling and hands-on experience (accomplished.) It is now time to have a business plan in place. I chose the location where I had plenty of light and space. Research went into knowing all the equipment I would need (besides the tools I acquired from dog grooming school) so that I can perform a full dog bath, dry and haircut. I purchased the extra clippers, scissors, powerful blow dryer, dog grooming table, nooses, blades, brushes and combs. It is important to sit down and write out a plan and all the equipment you will need. Finances may not allow you to purchase everything at one time although you can’t proceed without the tools of the trade.

Once I had my shop all set up with the grooming table, over-head lighting, a nearby tub with spray hose and all necessary bath supplies, I was ready to begin advertising my services. I acquired the name of my shop and had business cards printed up. Networking is an important aspect in getting customers as well as keeping informed on new aspects of the business you are in. I made out flyers and small advertisement cards to place in local stores as well as advertising in the newspapers of the area. Before long I got my first and second customer which lead to more by word of mouth. Ever since, all clientele was the result of referrals (the best advertisement you can have).

Part of owning a business requires keeping records of everything. Keep all receipts for anything spent relating to the business which includes but is not limited to grooming supplies, paper, printer ink, stamps for mailings, notebooks, pens; anything that you may use in relation to the running of your business. Remember the mileage spent in acquiring any of these supplies or, in my case, if I offer to pick up and/or drop off a dog for a home-bound customer.

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With a lot of thought and preparation, you can run a small business of your own. In this trying time in our lives, we can’t seem to get ahead while working for others. I am hoping when I grow up I will be furthering my writing career in the field of animal care and help others with the questions they have for good, healthy and loving pet care. Maybe I will be in my own dream business as the “Dear Abby” of the pet care industry. It takes further schooling, planning, years of experience, a passion for animals and determination.
