How Cats and Dogs Play Together

If you’ve ever watched cats and dogs play together, it’s a comical sight. I have a cat and a dog that are both still young and very playful. My cat is about fifteen months old, and my dog is about eight months of age. When my two fur babies aren’t sleeping they’re playing together, and their antics continue throughout the day and well into the evening. Sometimes their method of playing together gets a little out of hand, and I have to separate them like a couple of unruly children.

The Dominance Game

It’s entertaining to watch cats and dogs play, and how cats and dogs play together is as interesting as it is amusing. The games of cats and dogs have actual goals that determine a winner, and after watching my cat and dog play together numerous times, I figured out the goal of their favorite game. The goal is to sit on the head of their opponent and hold that opponent down as long as possible. This dominance game they play together is hilarious entertainment. My cat and dog are about the same size, and they’re a good match for one another in this fun game of strength and skill. One particular time when cuddling the cat, I wondered why the back of his neck smelled like urine, but it only took a few seconds to figure that out. I guess the dog won that game a few times!

Before I adopted my dog, my cat tried to play this dominance game with my older cat, and that old girl didn’t take too kindly to this type of roughhousing. Using my cell phone, I recorded my younger cat jumping into the chair where my older cat was resting peacefully. He immediately sat on her head, but she fought back with vengeance. He rose up and attempted to sit on her head a second time, but he should have escaped while he had a chance. She took the opportunity to bite him directly on the rear as hard as she could! He ran away as if his tail was on fire, and he didn’t attempt to play with that little old lady in a fur coat ever again. He did take the opportunity to harass her whenever possible, and eventually I gave her to my ex husband so she could find a little peace during her golden years. Those two never played together. It was a one-sided form of entertainment.

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Tug O’ Tail

Dogs love to play tug o’ war, and anything is a potential rope – even the tail of a cat. Dogs and cats play tug o’ war, but they don’t usually play together. More often than not, cats are unwilling participants in this popular game, and my mischievous cat is no exception. He is often the rope in games of tug o’ war, more commonly referred to as tug o’ tail in my household.

My dog seems to want to play more often than my cat, and this isn’t surprising since he’s several months younger. One day while my cat was trying to relax on the kitchen floor, the dog decided he wanted to play tug o’ war. He grabbed the cat’s tail and proceeded to pull him across the slippery kitchen floor. Although I felt a bit sorry for my poor cat since was trying to relax, it was actually very funny. The cat finally put on the brakes and stopped the dog from pulling him to the other side of the kitchen. He took off like a shot to higher ground where he couldn’t be reached by the dog. This is definitely not a game cats and dogs play together.

Bite Me

The phrase bite me comes to mind when I think of certain situations and specific people I’d like to forget, but this is one of the games cats and dogs play together. Sometimes a leisurely game of bite me between cats and dogs turns into a full-blown brawl, and it’s no fun when somebody gets hurt, and that’s usually the cat. When the dog isn’t trying to play tug o’ tail he loves to pull on the cat’s ears, but the cat really doesn’t like this game. Cats bite back of course, but they usually end up with a mouth full of fur and nothing more. The attempt really gets my dog going, and before long the cries from the kitchen sound desperate. I’ve had to break up a game of bite me on many occasions. Cats and dogs play this energetic game together, but the one with the floppiest ears and the longest fur is usually the winner.