How Beneficial is Ionized Water?

A well-hydrated body is a healthy body. Next to oxygen, water is the most important element needed for human survival. In fact, our bodies, which are about 70 percent water, need this essential liquid to help regulate fluids, cell function, tissues, blood, hormones, digestion and a host of other bodily functions.

But many of us are literally dying of thirst. Our bodies are simply not getting the hydration they need from the water that is available to us through the tap or even in bottled spring water touted as “pure.” Researchers believe chronic hydration can lead to illness and disease, including cancer and allergies, as the body struggles to release toxins. Dehydration can cause irritability, fatigue, weakness, headaches and overall poor health.

Is filtering tap water enough?

And even worse, the type of drinking water available today is loaded with chemicals. John Archer, author of “The Water You Drink, How Safe is it?” estimates about 200 deadly commercial chemicals, including aluminum and nitrates, are present in most standard drinking water. Additional bacteria, viruses and inorganic minerals, make the water even less safe.

While is helps to use a water filtration system, such as reverse osmosis, which claims to remove 90 percent of all contaminants from city and well water, it may not be enough. Even when it is heavily filtered, tap water still can lack the ability to hydrate sufficiently.

Is ionized water the answer?

Relatively new water purification systems called “ionizers” may offer a solution for cleaner, purer water that hydrates the body the way water was meant to. Water purified (or ionized) through these water systems is not only considered pure and chemical-free, but ionizing reportedly changes the alkalinity of the water to make it more hydrating.

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“Ionized water is amazing,” says Steve Moreau, acupuncturist and health guru in Orlando, FL. “These systems re-create the miracle waters found across the world. Water flowing down the glaciers gets magnetized and becomes alive … all ionizers re-create that natural phenomenon.”

Are ionic water systems worth the price?

But ionized water systems aren’t cheap. One of the most popular and highly touted in Japan is the Kangen Water System, which can cost around $4,000. But supporters of alkaline water, like Moreau, say it is worth every penny.

“Since I started drinking the Kangen water about three months ago, I’ve lost 20 pounds with little added exercise,” Moreau says. “I am more flexible, less mentally and physically drained and my aches and pains are gone.”

Moreau attributes his weight loss to being more hydrated and no longer having a “false hunger,” which can come from dehydration.

Another justification for the relatively high price of the system is that ionized alkaline water is rich in minerals. “We spend tons of money on all kinds of antioxidants, but with ionized water you can create your own,” Moreau says.

Moreau believes over time most people will more than likely save money from using an ionized water system and the health benefits may save on trips to the doctor, too.

For more information about Kangen Water, visit