How Amazon Prime Members Can Use a Playstation 3 to Watch Unlimited Old B-Movies

If you already have an Amazon Prime account and a love a for black & white B-movies then you need to know that the Playstation 3 played with by your kids or grandkids need not be merely an excuse to put distance between you and the younger generation. They don’t make black & white B-movies anymore and what passes for B-movies today don’t have nearly the charm or the often surprisingly deep philosophical content of films of the past. If your idea of a movie challenged by budgetary concerns means stars like Chester Morris and Natalie Moorhead and have a visual flair that makes today’s B-movies look like something to be rejected by SyFy then you need to learn how to exploit the Playstation 3. In some ways, in fact, a B-movie lover can utilize the video on demand capability of the PS3 to greater effect with Amazon Prime than they can a smart TV or the Roku.

Get your children or grandchildren to show you how to get your Amazon Instant Video account up and running on the Playstation 3. It actually involves little more than sliding over to the Video section on the home screen and choosing the Amazon Instant Video option that you will right there alongside Netflix and YouTube and Vudu. Clicking on the Amazon option will send you through a simple series of options in which you input your Amazon Prime account information and then you can easily bring up the Amazon home screen for viewing.

Getting to the B-movies that are available deep within the Amazon Instant Video system is not as easy as it seems if you have a smart TV or the Roku. Heck, even just going on the Amazon site and doing a search doesn’t bring up the wealth of B-movie selections that that is easily afforded on the Playstation 3. Your journey toward black & white B-movie Valhalla begins with a search. Click on the green arrow button the remote control to get to the search menu and enter in a title like, say, “Corsair” or “Discarded Lovers.” And here is where things suddenly get much easier for the lover of B-movies who has access to a Playstation 3.

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Once you get to the info screen that will tell you who stars in “Corsair” or what the capsule summary of the plot of “Discarded Lovers” is you can decide whether or not to watch them. I highly recommend you do, but if you would prefer not, simply guide the joystick handle upward so that you can move it over to these “More Like This” which you will find positioned above the information of the movie below. When you click on “More Like This” you will be presented with a list of old black & white B-movies of the type you want to watch rather than the endless parade of Reality TV shows and repetitious repeats of the same seventeen moves that TV networks contract to show every month. Just follow along until you find one you like and the wonderful world of B-movies are yours for the taking whenever your kids or grandkids aren’t using the Playstation 3 for video game mayhem.