“House” Characters: Meet Lisa Cuddy

“Who is that lady?” Hurray! I open the “Guide to ‘House’ for Friends” and turn to Doctor Lisa Cuddy. Lisa Edelstein plays Cuddy, the Dean of Medicine and administrator of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.

Raised in a Jewish family, Dr. Cuddy still has her mother and sister. Her father is deceased. She decided to become a doctor at age twelve. While attending the University of Michigan, Cuddy had a one-night stand with Gregory House. It went nowhere, although chemistry simmered between them season after season. The 2010 season finale brought a declaration of love, and the 2011 season premiere confirms the romance.

Other history exists between Cuddy and House. As House’s medical proxy, as well as girlfriend, Stacy Warner directed Dr. Cuddy to remove the dead muscle from House’s leg. He was opposed to this, but as he was in a coma, his proxy made the choice. This resulted in a permanent disability and perpetual pain.

Cuddy hired House to run the diagnostics department. Shortly after, she successfully campaigned to have the egotistical chairman of the board removed. He wanted to get rid of House. His removal also removed his $100 million dollar donation. This is the kind of clout she has.

Deciding she wanted to have a baby, House gave her the needed injections while respecting her decision to keep her choice secret. Finally pregnant, Cuddy had a miscarriage.

House’s addiction to Vicodin affected his work and sanity. Cuddy lied in court to protect House. In addition, she worked hard to keep him drug-free. Cuddy adopted a baby girl she named Rachel. Between House’s drug problem, a new child, a relationship with an investigator, and her work at the hospital, she needed room to think. Cuddy requested House back off and just be friends. He was quite adamant that would not happen.

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The two are now in a relationship. Perhaps this is the season of togetherness.

My two favorite Lisa quotes are:

What she says to House: “I know you’d rather spend a couple of hours listening to yourself than listening to patients.”

What she says to others about House: “He really cares about his patients.”


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