Hot Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

Once in awhile hair becomes dry and full of split ends. Sometimes it even breaks while washing and leaves your drain filled with hair. When this happens, it is time to use a hot coconut oil hair treatment. It helps hydrate and nourish hair so it can be healthy, smooth and soft again.

The organic ingredients needed to make a hot coconut oil hair treatment are 1 cup of extra virgin coconut oil, ΒΌ cup of olive oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. These ingredients are in any of your local health food stores or grocery stores. If you cannot find rosemary oil, do not worry about it because you do not really need to add it in. It just helps give the hair oil treatment a lovely refreshing aroma. You can add other essential oils to the hot coconut oil hair treatment as well such as lavender or peppermint.

The way to make the hot coconut oil hair treatment is by placing the coconut oil, olive oil and rosemary oil into a small saucepan and lightly heating it on low heat just until the coconut oil is a liquid. You do not want the coconut oil to be too hot or boiling temperature because you will burn yourself using the hot oil treatment this way. You want the hot oil treatment to be touchable and comfortable. Once the hot coconut oil hair treatment is a warm touchable liquid it is ready to use in the hair.

The best way to use the hot coconut oil hair treatment is by flipping the hair over in the bathtub or sink and pouring the hair treatment all over the hair. Next, it is important to massage the oil throughout the entire head and hair with the fingertips and hands to make sure every strain of hair is drenched in oil. Then you take a hair clip and clip your hair up out of the way if you have long hair, or take a shower cap and place it over your head and hair so the olive oil does not drip everywhere when you are using it. You may wrap your head and hair in plastic wrap if you do not have a hair clip or shower cap. Once the hair treatment is in and hair is up out of the way not dripping everywhere it is best to leave the hot coconut oil treatment in as long as you can such as 1 to 2 hours preferably.

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After the hot coconut oil hair treatment, it is time to wash it out with a nice shampoo as best you can. Really, work the shampoo into your hair and scalp into a rich lather and before rinsing it out. Using warm water will help rinse the hair treatment out as well and keep the hair soft and manageable. Never use hot warm because it will dry out the hair even more and cause more hair damage. After shampooing, you can use a daily conditioner to help keep hair silky soft and smooth and well protected from harsh environmental factors.

You will notice after using the hot coconut oil hair treatment how well it worked repairing your hair and nourishing it. The hair should be smooth, frizz free, silky soft and shiny. Your hair will even be more manageable without breaking. To help keep hair looking its best you should use the hot oil hair treatment 2 to 3 times per month.