Homemade Hair: How to Use Natural Solutions to Treat Dry Hair

You head to the beauty supply store and spend $50 buying mysterious chemicals to make your dry hair shiny and strong. Sure, you can’t pronounce the ingredients, but this is better hair through science, right?

Before your next trip, revise your grocery shopping list to include some of the household ingredients below. Natural hair care is less expensive and healthier than the myriad of bottles and jars cluttering up your shower and bathroom sink. Homemade hair care products are simple to make and work beautifully.

Basic Shampoo

Mix ¼ cup water, ¼ cup liquid castile soap, and ½ teaspoon of safflower oil. You can add a tablespoon of strongly-brewed chamomile tea for extra conditioning and a great smell. Apply the shampoo to wet hair and lather well. Rinse thoroughly.

Daily Dry Hair Treatment

An excellent way to treat dry ends on a daily basis is to reach for that same bottle of safflower oil. Start with dry, clean hair. Put a couple of drops of oil in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together and then apply by gently squeeze sections of your hair, starting at the ends. Because you add only a tiny amount, it won’t be enough to weigh down your hair or to make it appear greasy. The oil will, however, help to keep your long hair in good condition with fewer split ends.

Deep Conditioning Treatments

Mix one part olive oil with two parts honey (the necessary amount depends on the length of your hair). Apply the conditioner to your hair after shampooing and gently comb through with a wide-toothed comb. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap or grocery bag and leave it on for 15-30 minutes, depending on how much conditioning you need. Then wash your hair with the basic shampoo recipe at the beginning of this article.

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To treat dry hair and a dry scalp, beat one tablespoon each of castor oil, glycerine, and cider vinegar with a teaspoon of tear-free baby shampoo. Massage the conditioner into your scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse well with warm water.

Try toasting your hair – with beer that is. Pour a cup of room-temperature lager on your head, massage it in, and rinse thoroughly. You can mix in a teaspoon of jojoba oil for extra-deep conditioning. You may need to shampoo your hair to get it all out.

For a power-packed protein treatment, beat ¼ cup of plain yogurt with one egg. Apply the conditioner to your hair, cover with a plastic bag or shower cap, and leave it in for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with the basic shampoo detailed above.

To boost the shine level of your hair, boil two tablespoons of rosemary in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Cool the infusion and strain it. After shampooing, pour it over your hair and massage it into your scalp. Rinse thoroughly. Follow this up with the daily safflower treatment after your hair is dry.

There are dozens of homemade recipes to make your dry hair healthy, shiny, and strong. Try a few of these concoctions. You’ll save money and your hair. To learn more about natural shower supplies, try this article on How to Make Homemade Body Wash