Homemade Hair: How to Treat Oily Hair With Natural Ingredients

If you suffer from oily hair you know that store-bought products to treat an oily scalp are expensive and ineffective. Either they dry your scalp to flakiness or they have no noticeable effect. They contain unpronounceable chemicals that you put on your head then rinse down the drain.

Happily, there are simple, helpful solutions that you can make at home. The all-natural ingredients reduce the oil from your scalp and leave your hair looking and smelling fresh and clean. Recycle your expensive shampoo bottles by re-filling them with the following mixtures.

Basic Shampoo

Start with a basic shampoo recipe and alternate the use of various extracts and additions. Make the base by combining one part distilled water with two parts liquid castile soap. Remember to shake the bottle gently before each use.

If you rotate the extracts that you add, your shampoo will remove the excess oil from your hair without irritating your scalp. Don’t make more than one week’s worth of shampoo and the following additions at a time, as there are no preservatives included to extend their shelf lives.

What to Add

Bring half a cup of water to a boil then add two tablespoons of fresh mint and a tablespoon of rosemary. Steep the herbs for 20 minutes then strain the mixture. Add two tablespoons of the infusion to ¼ cup of the basic shampoo recipe every other day.

On alternate days, add ½ a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to ¼ cup of shampoo. Squeeze fresh gel out of an aloe vera plant if you’ve got one. Add three or four drops of witch hazel extract for a great smell and astringent properties.

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How to Wash

Apply the shampoo mixture you your hair and lather thoroughly. Leave the shampoo on for three to five minutes, then rinse your hair well. Particularly oily hair may need two rounds of washing to get it completely clean.

Give yourself a thorough scalp massage while you’re washing your hair. Never massage your scalp between washings unless you intend to follow it up with a dry cornstarch shampoo,. You will exacerbate your oily hair problem by forcing more oil from your pores.

Skip the Conditioner

If your ends tend to be dry, frizzy, or split you can apply conditioner only to the tips and rinse completely. Otherwise, instead of putting conditioner on your oily hair try the following rinse.

Boil a pint of water then steep three peppermint tea bags for five minutes. Remove the bags, allow the tea to cool, then add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Use this mixture as a finishing rinse. This solution acts as a tonic for the scalp and removes soap residue that can weigh down oily hair. It also smells wonderful.

Tips to Keep Your Hair Looking Fresh

Brush your hair as little as possible, as this spreads the oil from your scalp. Use a comb when you must arrange your hair. Plastic combs pick up less oil that the bristles of a brush.

Keep your hands out of your hair. You transfer dirt and oil that you cannot see from your fingers to your hair when you play with it.

Keep a bottle of witch hazel extract and some cotton balls in your desk. A quick swab of your scalp in the restroom will absorb excess oil and act as a good toner.

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You don’t need to spend a fortune on products to treat oily hair. You just need a few inexpensive ingredients, some time, and a little extra care. For more information on natural, homemade beauty products, see these articles on homemade body wash and treating dry hair.