Homemade Dry Shampoo for Dogs

Unlike cats, dogs require regular bathing to maintain a clean, fresh coat. When the animal is not well or when bathing would take too much time or effort, do something different instead. Use homemade dry shampoo for dogs instead of the usual bath with soap and water. When regular baths are not possible, these are the next best thing. Store-bought products are not necessary to clean and refresh your dog’s skin and coat in between regular baths.

Precautionary Statement before Using Homemade Dry Shampoo

Keep the following homemade dry shampoo for dogs and all other products with small particles away from the animal’s eyes and nose. When in doubt, ask a veterinarian about homemade dry shampoo for dogs before use. A professional animal care provider is the best source of information regarding homemade dry shampoo, skin care, grooming and all other questions regarding the health and welfare of the animal.

Brush Baby Powder through His Fur

Some dogs do not like baths, and this makes bath time anything but pleasant. For some it is worth it to pay a groomer upwards of ten dollars, just to bathe their dog. This is not necessary. In between real baths, use homemade dry shampoo for dogs. Baby powder is ideal for dogs, especially when baths are not possible. Pour a liberal amount of baby powder into the palm of a hand, and rub it briskly into the dog’s fur. Lightly coat the dog from top to bottom, and brush it through. The powder will absorb oil and help pull dirt away from the fur and skin. Your four-legged family member will look and smell fresh and clean.

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Use Cornstarch to Clean and Freshen His Coat

When looking for homemade dry shampoo for dogs, look no further than your kitchen pantry. Cornstarch makes a fantastic homemade dry shampoo for dogs. It absorbs oil and refreshes the coat and skin. It is also very mild, and it works exceptionally well. Simply pour a liberal amount into the palm of a hand, and work it through the dog’s coat right down to the skin. Brush the fur as usual, and add more cornstarch as necessary. This is one of the best natural homemade dry shampoo options for dogs. It is cheap, and it will leave the dog smelling clean without the use of chemical fragrances like those in store-bought powders.

Try this Homemade Rolled Oat Shampoo

Rolled oats make a terrific dry shampoo for dogs, but it must be ground into powder first. Place one cup of rolled oats in a dry blender, and blend it until the particles are fine. Use this homemade dry shampoo for dogs as a homemade oil-absorbing product and freshener. Although it does not have an odor, it will help remove any bad odors from the dog’s skin and fur. Best of all, it will also help alleviate itchy skin, especially during allergy season when dogs experience many of the same skin allergies as people.