Homemade Beauty Tips for Skin and Hair

As a college student, I am always looking for ways to save money. One thing I like to do is try home beauty remedies. The following are some of my favorite techniques.


Oily Skin

A method I’ve always heard for relief from oily skin is the application of milk and lemon juice. I know it sounds weird, but it works. Whenever I start to feel a little too greasy, I try this.

– Mix a half cup of milk with the juice of one lemon

– When the milk begins to curdle, use a cotton ball or pad to apply it to your face.

– Leave on for about 10-15 minutes.

– Rinse with warm water

Dark Under-Eye Circles

It’s no secret that students often don’t get the sleep they need, and I’m no exception. A trick that I swear by to fix mine uses almond oil and honey. It takes about two weeks to work, but you’ll definitely notice a change.

– Combine one part each almond oil and honey. (an eye dropper is helpful)

– Gently rub this mixture into the skin under your eyes before sleep every night.

– When you wake up, rinse the mixture off.

Quick Face Mask:

Another quick little remedy I like to use is a face mask with grapes. Just split open a few grapes and rub them on your face. You can even apply the juice to your neck, if you’d like.

Razor Bumps:

I’m too scared of pain to wax, so I have to deal with the razor burns and bumps that come with shaving. To soothe irritated areas after shaving, I use a cucumber-yogurt mixture. (This will also help to prevent ingrown hairs)

See also  The Best Face Washes for Oily Skin

– Measure a cup of plain yogurt and cut up about half of an average-sized cucumber.

– Blend the two ingredients in a food processor until a paste-like substance is achieved.

– Smooth this paste over the shaved area. It will feel very cool.

– Rinse after 10-15 minutes.


Weekly Honey Treatment:

This keeps my hair incredibly soft and healthy. It’s a little messy, and you’ll smell like honey for a day, but I kind of like it.

– Measure out about 4 tablespoons of honey.

– Carefully massage the honey into your scalp, taking care not to pull at the roots

– Cover your head with a plastic bag (you can use a grocery bag, or a gallon sized zip bag)

– After 15 minutes, get in the shower and rinse with hot water. If the water isn’t a high enough temperature, the honey will not melt out, so make sure you turn the water past warm.

Sugar Styling Product:

This one is good if you don’t like to put chemicals in your hair, but need a styling product. I use it a lot, because it’s easier to wash out than hair spray or gel, but it works just as well.

– Heat a cup of water in the microwave and dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in it.

– Wait for the water to cool, and then use your fingers to apply to your hair in its desired state.

– Be careful to use the mixture sparingly, because it will look a little weird when it dries if you use too much.