Home Remedy for Kidney Stones

Some people discover they have their first kidney stone because they had to visit the emergency room due to having such excruiciating pain in their back, side or groin. Tests are often run to confirm the problem, then the patient is confronted with the various medical procedures available for dealing with getting rid of the kidney stone.

In many cases people simply don’t have the money, or insurance, to cover the costs of standard kidney stone medical procedures. And since kidney stones occur in men more than women, many guys can’t handle the idea of how some of these procedures are performed.

So they start asking around about whether there might be a home remedy for kidney stones instead. And thankfully they find there are.

Now, whether or not the home remedies for kidney stones will work for you depends on various things. One of the most important things you need to know though, is there are four types of kidney stones.

In about 80% of kidney stone cases, the problems come from calcium kidney stones. And these can be dissolved naturally using lemon juice. If however, your kidney stones are of another type, this home remedy might not work to solve your personal kidney stone problems.

Now the most popular home remedy for kidney stones that hundreds of people have had success with, is two ounces of lemon juice, and two ounces of virgin olive oil. Mix these together and drink it. Then drink plenty of plain distilled water or water with a bit of lemon juice in it until the stone has passed.

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Many people report a very quick relief from the kidney stone pain after drinking this mixture, and the stone often passes in less than 24 hours. Not everyone notices the kidney stone pass though, and that’s because the lemon juice actually breaks up and dissolves the kidney stone. So you may actually pass just small gravel like substances instead of a full kidney stone.

Not everyone can handle drinking the lemon juice and olive oil mixture, because it makes them sick. Often all you need though, is the lemon juice by itself, because it is the primary key to breaking up the stone.

Some people assume the olive oil is meant to help coat the narrow tubes that lead from your kidneys to your bladder, so the stone can pass more easily. It’s doubtful though, that the olive oil would still have it’s slick coating properties that far into the digestive system.

So if you have problems with the olive oil I’d suggest skipping it. Instead, simply drink about two ounces of lemon juice – or the juice from about half a lemon – every half hour to hour until the pain is gone. Be sure to drink water as well, because this is needed to help flush your system. It usually takes from five to fifteen hours for a stone to be dissolved using this home remedy for kidney stones.

To help prevent the formation of kidney stones, just add a bit of lemon juice to your daily routine. Have some warm lemon water each morning when you wake up, or add a bit of lemon to your morning tea. Alternatively, be sure to make yourself some homemade lemonade and drink a glass of that at least once each day.