Home Remedies for Children’s Nausea

Every parent dreads hearing that their children are about to vomit. Fortunately, there are various preventive measures and home remedies for children’s nausea. Find out about their treatment here.

Listen when your child says he isn’t feeling well. Before they throw up, children usually give small warnings by talking about a funny feeling. A lot of seasoned parents end up cleaning up their sick children and their living rooms because they do not listen to their children’s warnings to begin with.

Nausea has to be treated before it turns into full-fledged vomiting. Let your kid rest quietly while reclining or sitting down because high activity levels can make nausea worse. As your child rests, offer him a sweet drink so his stomach can settle down. Avoid drinks with acidic fruit, as well, since these can make upset stomachs worse, too.

Children who get motion sickness a lot should be carefully situated into a car while facing forward so he can look out the window. This is because blurred and fast peripheral side views are usually the causes of car sickness.

Treat barking coughs and high fevers with the appropriate children’s medicine from a pediatrician. Queasiness can come about because of high fevers, while uncontrolled coughs could trigger the gag reflex of a child.

If you are looking for home remedies for children’s nausea, try rehydration via small amounts of apple juice, broth, tea, grape juice and gelatin. After vomiting, wait for an hour and give your child a bit of the liquid every half hour. Then, increase the amount after around an hour.

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If your child hasn’t stopped vomiting for a day, rehydration can aid in replacing lost fluids. Remember: children get dehydrated very fast, and their sodium and potassium levels need to stay balanced at all times.

Above all things, do not fail to get in touch with your pediatrician right away if your home remedies for children’s nausea do not work or if the nausea starts to come with a high fever, a stiff neck, or blood in the vomit, or if your child becomes unresponsive or groggy overall.