Holding an Open House or Housewarming? Why Not Make Your Own Invitations?

Have you moved into a new home? Are you holding an open house or a housewarming party? If so, then you are probably looking for some nice open house or housewarming invitations. Here is a card craft to make your own open house or housewarming invitations. This craft is easy and simple to make, a beginning crafter can make these with ease. You should be able to complete these in an afternoon’s time, depending on how many cards you have to make.

To make these open house or housewarming invitations you will need a photograph for the front of the card. There are several ideas for the type of photo you could use. One idea is to use a photo of your new front door, featuring the welcome mat. Another idea is to take a photo of your new home for your invitations. This will also be helpful to your guests, as they will now know exactly what your home looks like when they are coming to the party. You could also pose your family, or just your children in front of the house, or in front of the front door. Your children or your family could hold up a sign that says “Welcome”. If you get a little creative, there are quite a number of things you can do with this photograph. Do something that reflects your personal style and taste.

For this craft you will need:

blank cards, in pastel shades or ivory or white

photograph of your choosing

a calligraphy pen (marker style)

glue stick or glue

rubber stamp of a house, key or a door

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stamp ink pad

Begin by counting how many cards you will need, and having that number of photographs printed. It could be useful to have a couple of extra photos printed just in case you need to send some additional invitations out, or if you make a mistake while you are writing one then you will have one of the extras to write out. Then glue the photographs down to the outside of the cards. Write on the outside of the cards above the photograph “Welcome” using the calligraphy pen. Try to use a calligraphy pen that is a complimentary color with the blank cards. Purple or dark pink are great colors for light pink or lavender cards. Dark green or navy blue are great colors for light green or light blue cards. Navy blue is a great color for light yellow cards. On the inside of the card, write your invitation details. A great idea is to include directions to your home on a small piece of printed paper that includes a map, from one of the popular websites that gives directions. Your guests will certainly appreciate this.

Stamp the rubber stamp of a house, key or a door on the inside of the card at the end of your message. Also stamp the rubber stamp on the outside of the envelope after you have addressed the card, on the back on the envelope. Your invitations are ready to mail out.