Hobby Fun: Five Unique Hobbies

Hobbies are a great way to use your free time, but with so many to choose from, the decision can easily become overwhelming. Here is a list of 5 unique hobbies to fill your time and engage your mind.

Stunt Kite Flying

Do you like being outside on a pretty day? Flying kites is a common past-time, but stunt kite flying is a lesser known sport. It takes kite flying to a new level and with time and practice, you can end up being really good! Stunt kites are sold out hobby/ outdoors stores. There are many different kinds and they typically come with instructions to get you started. If you get good enough you can search out some local competitions in your area or create a stunt kite team/ group!

Become a Movie Buff

Almost everyone watches movies from time to time, but there are many genres that offer a rich variety of films for you to watch! There are genres such as 1950’s horror with the classically ingenious Vincent Price or if horror isn’t your thing- how about some french foreign films? You can watch amazing movies such as Priceless, Amelie, or Jeux d’enfants. Old war movies or zombie flicks are some more genres that certain people go crazy for. There are so many little niches in the film world that other people don’t know about. You just have to find the genre that you love and start watching.

Thrift Fashion

Thrifting has come in and out of popularity, but it’s one hobby that’s here to stay. You can find such amazing clothing, shoes, and accessories at thrift stores and it’s really cheap! This is a hobby that takes time and a good eye, but once you get the hang of it, there’s no stopping you. I once found a $10 jacket that Urban Outfitters started selling for $130. I’ve also found amazing boots, fur coats, antique jewelry. Whatever item of clothing you can think of is waiting for you in the back corner of some thrift shop, you just have to go out there and find it. Another bonus of thrifting is putting outfits together when you get home. Your closet will be one of a kind and you’ll never have to worry about going out and seeing someone else in the same dress. And one more bonus- if you choose the right things, you can end up looking like you stepped out of an Anthropologie catalog and it will have cost you less than shopping at Aeropostale or American Outfitters!

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Mushroom Hunting

This favorite past-time from Eastern Europe has been gaining popularity in the U.S., but it’s still a widely unknown art form. You can even make money if you choose the right mushrooms to hunt. Truffles and morels can fetch a pretty penny at the marketplace or high-end restaurants. However, you don’t have to hunt mushrooms just for money, as many people do it for the fun of it. They gather mushrooms during mushroom season then dry them out and keep them on hand in their kitchen. You can even make truffle oil, which will turn any dish into an amazing culinary creation!


Pretty much everyone likes looking at stars, but very few people know what they’re looking at. You can impress your friends and take up a fun hobby by learning your constellations. You can even take it one step further by buying a telescope and getting a closer look at our neighboring stars and planets. This hobby is easy and doesn’t really take much money to begin since you can look up the information online, although a book on constellations can be a great guide when you’re out in the field.