Hirsutism Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Hirsutism is hair that is unwanted. This condition effects women who have large amounts of body hair in certain areas. The hair is often coarse and grows as facial hair and on the neck areas.

Hirsutism is often termed by doctors as male pattern hair growth. The reason for this imbalance occurring is either heredity or other types of hormonal imbalances such as PCOS which is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

The obvious symptom of hirsutism is hair on the face. Other symptoms that may go along with hirsutism are:

1. The voice deepens

2. Breakouts of acne

3. The breast size becomes smaller

4. Clitoris becomes larger

5. Hair Loss

6. Development of more muscle mass

You should consult with the doctor on these symptoms. If you are having a lot of these symptoms along with unwanted hair growth, you may be having PCOS as a cause.

When you are a youngster, you have what they call vellus hair on your body that have no color and are fine in appearance. But as you sexually mature, the androgen’s known as the male sex hormones develop. When this happens, the hair becomes darker and curlier.
If androgen’s number too many however, excess hairs develop in unwanted areas. Some disorders that cause this are:

1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This disorder causes an assortment of problems in women ranging from easy weight gain, multiple ovarian cysts, irregular periods, infertility issues, hair loss on the scalp, and insulin resistance with diabetes.

2. Cushing’s Disease will occur when there is too much cortisol production in the body. It also causes obesity, and many other hormonal imbalances.

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3. Tumors sometimes produce excess androgens. This is not as common though.

4. Some medicines may cause excessive hair growth.

There is not always a cause for hirsutism in some cases. Sometimes it is all related to ethnic origins.

When you see a doctor for this condition which is usually a gynecologist, they will take blood tests which point out what the problems might be and test for PCOS. Testing for PCOS involves an ultrasound as well to see if there are multiple cysts on each ovary.

Blood tests will indicate FSH hormonal levels which are not normal in PCOS, testosterone levels which are shown to be high in hirsutism, and androgens.

Treatments for excess hair removal involves several options. One of which is electrolysis. This procedure means taking a very small needle into the hair follicles, and using electricity to destroy it. This will cause a permanent removal of the troublesome hair, but is often a painful process.

Laser therapy can also help you. This involves beams of light that is highly concentrated, which in turn prevents the unwanted hair growth. This procedure is also not too comfortable since it causes a hot burning. It is also costly.

There are medical treatments for hirsutism. One of these is birth control pills. Birth control pills inhibit excess androgen in the system, thereby controlling excess hair growth.

Aldactone is an anti-androgen drug. It prohibits the receptors which attach to androgen from occurring.

There are prescription creams out there for hirsutism. By placing the cream on areas of your unwanted hair growth,it will help prevent new growth.

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There are home remedies for this condition too. Simply shaving the area is quick and not costly. Other women might try bleaching, which will help the hair to not be so conspicuous.