High School Senior Year Tips

Congratulations on finishing your third year of high school! By now, the campus is your second home. You should have friendly relations with most of the faculty, contain a strong circle of friends, preside over or strongly influence your favorite extracurricular activities, and you should be anxious to finish high school. You will be applying to colleges and will graduate soon! This year is notorious for being the easiest year in high school – the year every senior succumbs to senioritis. You are now a high school senior. And here is a guide on how to start your final year of high school the right way.


Once again, as a high school senior, choose the most rigorous course load that you can handle. Beware! Colleges will be disappointed if you take an extremely light course load and may even rescind your acceptance letters if your grades are subpar. Take many Advanced Placement (AP) courses for personal gains and to impress colleges with your work ethic. AP courses are accelerated courses that may allow students to earn college credit for performing satisfactorily on the accompanying AP Exams administered nationally every May. The complete list of AP courses is given here. Take AP classes in your strongest subjects. And be sure to keep your grade point average as high as possible.

Extracurricular Activities

Throughout your senior year of high school, maintain a balance between in-school activities and out-of-school activities. Continue playing the sport(s) you played last year, or consider trying out for another sports team just for the new experience. Stay a part of (or join) your school’s band/orchestra ensemble or any of the myriad clubs your school has to offer. Keep the leadership positions you hold in your most favorite activities. Colleges love nothing more than committed students. Make sure you are a part of activities that you truly enjoy.

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Preparing for College

If you’re a high achieving student, you’re probably asking yourself, “What should I do to get into a top college?” Senior year is the year that most students begin applying to many colleges. So start early! Stay organized, and if you haven’t already done so, take/retake the SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests. See if you can apply to your dream colleges via The Common Application, or through the colleges’ individual websites. Tour your prospective colleges if you haven’t already done so. Ask your favorite teachers for letters of recommendation. Have at least a month to perfect your personal statements and essay supplements before you submit your college applications. As you are awaiting your admission results, consider applying for scholarships through websites such as FastWeb. Once you find out which college you will attend, be thankful that the grueling process of applying and waiting is finally over!

Summary / Final Remarks

Your high school experiences will undoubtedly be a milestone for you. It is the last step before you begin your life as an adult. Senior year of high school is the time to maintain a stellar academic record, apply to colleges, and say goodbye to best friends and teachers. As a senior, complete your college applications on time and resist the temptation to become lazy. Rejoice, work hard, be organized, and remember, have fun!

