Hepatitis B 101: Simple Answers to Basic Questions

1) What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, liver disease. The term derives from hepat-(< hepar), the Greek root for “liver”, and the ending -itis, which denotes “inflammation”.

2) What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a very common type of hepatitis (viral infection of the liver). Hepatitis B is caused by a virus called HBV (= Hepatitis B Virus). HBV attacks the liver cells and may cause permanent damage to the liver (cirrhosis), liver cancer, and even death.

3) Is Hepatitis B infectious?

Yes, it is highly infectious.

4) How is Hepatitis B transmitted?

Hepatitis B is transmitted through direct contact with the body fluids or blood of an infected person. Unprotected sexual contact and injection of illegal drugs (intravenous drug use) are high-risk behaviors for the transmission of HBV. HBV is not transmitted through casual contact, sneezing, hugging, food and water.

5) What are the chances of contracting HBV through a blood transfusion?

Nowadays it is extremely rare to be infected with HBV through the transfusion of blood or blood products.

6) What happens after exposure to HBV?

The first stage after exposure to the hepatitis B virus is acute infection. Acute hepatitis will set in at about 1-9 weeks (at 4 weeks on average) after exposure to HBV. During the acute phase, the body mounts an intense immune response to clear the virus. In some cases, however, the immune system will not get rid of the virus. If HBV clearance has not happened within 6 months of infection, we have chronic hepatitis (i.e. a lifelong condition). The progression of hepatitis B can lead to permanent scarring of the liver tissue (cirrhosis) and liver cancer.

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7) What are the signs and symptoms of HBV infection?

Many infected persons are asymptomatic, i.e. they show no signs or symptoms of HBV infection. In other cases, infected individuals have mild to moderate, flu-like symptoms, such as fever, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and fatigue. Jaundice and abdominal pain are stronger indications of possible exposure to the hepatitis B virus.

8) How is Hepatitis B diagnosed?

If you experience any of the above symptoms or think that you may have been exposed to HBV, even if you are asymptomatic, seek medical assistance asap. There are several tests available for the diagnosis of hepatitis B. A positive HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) test is a fairly accurate indicator of infection. Other tests detect antibodies to HBV (the anti-HBs and anti-HBc tests), which indicate an immune response to a prior or more recent exposure to the virus. A liver ultrasound and/or biopsy will give the physician a more accurate picture of the extent of liver inflammation and the presence (or absence) of cirrhosis.

9) Is there a vaccine for Hepatitis B?

Yes. There is a vaccine that protects against HBV infection. It is administered to all babies born in the US at birth. The vaccine is also administered to individuals 18 years old or younger as well as adults at risk for contracting hepatitis B.

10) What is the treatment for chronic HBV infection?

Currently, there are four FDA approved drugs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection: interferon, lamivudine, adefovir dipivoxil, and entecavir. At end-stage liver disease, liver transplantation is the only therapeutic option.

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11) Can lifestyle choices influence the progression of HBV infection?

Absolutely. Healthy lifestyle choices can slow down the progression of HBV infection and make the condition more manageable. Such choices are: maintenance of healthy weight; a balanced nutrition, high in fiber and antioxidants and low in sugar and fat; no smoking; no alcohol; regular exercise; plenty of rest; a mutually monogamous sexual relationship.