Help I’m Sunburned! What’s the Best Sunburn Treatment?

You’ve enjoyed a day in the sun, just maybe a little too much! Now you’re feeling the effects of a uncomfortable sunburn. What’s the best sunburn treatment when you have a mild case of sun overexposure?

While nothing will take away the pain and redness, there are a variety of treatments that will relieve some of the discomfort you’re feeling. Here are some suggestions:

1. Discover the magic of cool water.

A cool bath and the application of cool compresses to your parched skin can work wonders as far as pain relief goes. Take a cool bath without any additives. Fold a large towel and soak it in cool water. Apply the towel to your sunburned areas then lie in a cool room. While we’re on the topic of cool water, make sure you drink plenty of it! You want to stay well hydrated after all that sun exposure.

2. Take an anti-inflammatory medication.

Aspirin and Ibuprofen will both help with the pain and soreness associated with sunburn. Take them as directed on the bottle until the discomfort has subsided.

3. Avoid breaking the blisters.

If you have blisters associated with your sunburn, resist the temptation to break them. Doing so, will cause the healing process to take longer and raise the risk of a secondary infection. Cover them with a cool compress or a gauze bandage instead.

4. Try some natural remedies.

Although known of these natural remedies will cure your sunburn, they will help to relieve the pain and discomfort. Chill some plain yogurt in the refrigerator until cold. Gently apply to the sunburned areas. You can also do the same with mayonnaise or make a paste out of dry milk and water to apply to the sunburned areas. These sunburn treatments can be quite soothing.

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5. Consider hydrocortisone cream if you’re having significant discomfort and swelling.

Ask your pharmacist for 1% hydrocortisone cream. Apply to the sunburned areas. Don’t use this on a child younger than two years of age unless you consult with your doctor first.

6. Consider using aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera is thought to have some anti-inflammatory properties, although this is open to debate. At the very least, it feels soothing when applied to parched, swollen skin and may provide some healing benefits.

7. Avoid using first aid products containing benzocaine.

Benzocaine and other members of the “caine” family can cause skin irritation. This is not what you need when you have a sunburn!

8. Watch for signs of heat related illness.

If you develop high fever, dizziness, lightheartedness, vomiting, fast pulse, rapid breathing, or severe skin blisters, see you doctor immediately.

Hopefully, this sunburn treatment will help you recover quickly from your day in the sun! Remember to take measures to prevent sunburn in the future. By doing so, you’ll reduce your risk of skin cancers, malignant melanoma, and premature aging of the skin.