Healthy Parenting – Two Children

To have healthy family or Parenting you need two children. One child concept makes the child pampered, selfish, and possessive, which in long run is harmful for the over all growth of the offspring. God even has made pair of eyes, pair of ears, pair of limbs etc. He has made pair to have a healthy understanding and for better growth. Similarly for a healthy family and healthy children’s growth you require two or pair of children in your family.

Children become possessive- Parenting
In a single child family, the child tends to become very possessive by nature. It becomes difficult for the child to share his or her belongings with others. This tendency will lead to troubles in their future part of life. Hence it is very productive to have two children, instead of one. Children from their early phase of life will learn to share and will lead a health life.

Lonely and insecurity – Parenting
One child will have feeling of loneliness and a sense of insecurity through out their life. With both the parents working, it becomes even more necessary and essential to have two children than single. Lone child in order to get out of the boredom tend to make destructive things. But if you have two children they play among themselves, and learn to love and share. A single child when grown up does not mix well with others but loves to remain alone.

Healthy competition – Parenting
When you have two children, they learn to compete and have a healthy competition among themselves. . They try to out beat other but it will be healthy without vengeance or anger. This will help the child to mature in a healthy manner.

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Learn the traits of Life – Parenting
Children fight in a playful manner, this will help them in their future development. Have you ever seen Tiger or Lion Cubs fighting among themselves? Mother Nature is the best teacher. Similarly when you have two children they learn traits of life in a playful manner, which is very useful for their over growth of child.

Lessening the pressure – Parenting
When you have two siblings having four to five years gap, the elder one with take care of the younger in all the respects. If you can mould the eldest, younger one will automatically be mould too. In school and other social gatherings the eldest will be a source of security to younger.

Security and protection – Parenting
In a family more than one child have an advantage to fall back on one another in a difficult times. When you are not there, it is beneficial to have more than one kid. In a complex situation of life at least they can protect each other and give solace.

The bottom line is, that it is benefit to have two offspring in a family rather than single baby. It is practical to both, the children and the parents.