Health Benefits of Mango

Mango or Am or Amchoor (Hindi) or Mambazham (Tamil) or Mangifera indica L (botanical name) of Anacardiaceae family is considered as the ‘King of Fruits.’ Mango is a trpoical tree cultivated in vast groves in Asia. The tree may grow even beyond 100 feet. Its leaves are thick, long, dark green in color. Mango flower (panicle inflorescence) is amall, whitish in color with a mild sweet smell.

The fruit is categorzed as drupe with a flat, long seed (single embryo). The outer skin color, shape and size of the fruit may vary from species to species. In Banganapalli species the fruit size large, in alphonso or neelam it is medium, in rumani it is small in size. The raw mango tastes sour and astringent.

It is learnt that there are at least five hundred popular named mango varieties are present in India. Some belong to same species, but get different commercial names in different regions. In major flower shows and horticultural shows (held in India) I have seen around twenty five popular commercial varieties or species.

Nutrition data on Mango: You will find your mango fruit asa good source of minerals such as phosphorous (11 mg), calcium (10 mg), magnesium (9 mg), sodium (2 mg). The fruit also comprises traces of copper (0.110 mg), selenium (0.6 mg), iron (0.13 mg), zinc (0.04 mg) and manganese (0.027 mg).

Vitamins Available: Mango is rich in Vitamin C (27.7 mg) and Vitamin A (6425 IU). Did you know the reason for the sour taste in raw mango? Vitamin C content is present more in raw mango when compared with its ripened mango. Now you guess. Citric acid and related compounds turns your raw mango to taste sour. Raw mangoes also comprises unique proteolytic enzymes. The fruit has traces of Vitamin E, Vitamin B i.e. Thiamin (0.058 mg), Riboflavin (0.057 mg), Niacin (0.584 mg), Pantothenic acid (0.160 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.134 mg), Tocopherol (1.12 mg) and Vitamin K.

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Calorific value of Mango: Health watchers please note that every100g of mango in your diet may help you to gain about 75 to 85 calories. Your raw mango is full of starch. Once the fruit gets ripened the starch is simply transform into sugar. This kind of sugar will help you to gain weight.

Health Benefits of Mango:

1) Weight gainers: consume mango fruit with milk to get an amazing increase in weight.

2) The ripened mango fruit gets its unique yellow color due to the presence of Vitamin A (beta carotene). It also comprises Vitamin E and selenium. These bio-active agent gives protection to your heart.

3) Mango is known for its larger iron content and therefore recommended for pregnant women and anemic patients.

4) Your fruit has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties due to presence of the phenolic compound.

5) The bio active ingrdients of raw mangoes include aldehydes, esters and terpenes (ocimene, myrcene, limonene). In addition there are many volatile compounds are present. These substances povide appetitie and good digestive capabilities.


1). Mango: Nutrition information –

2). Benefits Of Mango


  • Weight gainers: consume mango fruit with milk to get an amazing increase in weight.