Health Benefits of Earl Grey Tea

Earl Grey tea has its roots in British history, a tea named after the generous British Prime Minister who received bergamot-oil spiked tea from the Far East. Today, the tea is commonly found alongside the classic English Breakfast and other assortments, and can be served both with or without milk and cream.
Still, Earl Grey tea isn’t only found at the tea table; it’s commonly used medicinally as to cure a number of illnesses including the cold and flu, and has many health benefits that may just encourage you to add it to your tea basket. If you’re often depressed, anxious, or seem to run a fever more often than not, here are a few reasons to reach for a cup of Earl Grey tea:

Earl Grey Tea as an Antidepressant
Bergamot, the key ingredient in Earl Grey tea, is often used to treat depression. The Crystal Garden in Florida reports on the the aromatherapy benefits of bergamot. It is used to treat depression, stress, tension, and fear, and consuming it in tea form may offer some soothing and relaxation during troubled times.

Earl Grey Tea as an Antioxidant
Black tea has long been consumed for its antioxidant properties, and Earl Grey is just one of black tea that works well in complementary medicine. Antioxidants are important for reducing the amount of damaging free radicals in the body, so consuming just one cup per day could ward off infection, disease, and illness.

Earl Grey Tea as a Fever Reducer
The American Botanical Council reports on the history of bergamot in Italian folk medicine, and the plant itself is grown exclusively along the coast of Calabria, Italy. (Source: American Botanical Council ) Bergamot is widely used to reduce fever and intestinal problems, and may even improve digestion for a weak immune system. If you’re suffering from a fever, a cup of Earl Grey tea can provide instant relief with its soothing, fever-reducing properties.

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Earl Grey Tea as a Relaxant
Many types of Earl Grey tea contain hints of lavender with bergamot, which can be especially relaxing and soothing. When you need to de-stress in the middle of the day without falling asleep, a cup of Earl Grey can be the perfect choice. The caffeine in Earl Grey is minimal, so it won’t create the heart-racing effect of coffee or espresso but will provide clarity and focus instead.

Earl Grey Tea to Improve Oral Health
Bergamot is also famous for its antiseptic properties, and may reduce the risk of oral infections to improve overall oral health. Although black tea can stain your teeth, the antibacterial and antiseptic properties can promote a clean and healthy mouth. The Tea Palace of the U.K. explains that bergamot can help fight halitosis and oral infection (Source: Tea Palace).

Earl Grey Tea for a Caffeine Kick
Perhaps the most obvious reason to enjoy a cup of tea is for the caffeine; Earl Grey contains a about half the amount of caffeine as a standard cup of coffee, and this can be enhanced by brewing a cup with multiple tea bags. You can further amplify the effects with sugar or honey.

From reducing stress to boosting your mood, Earl Grey tea is a valuable choice anytime you need some soothing and comfort. When you need just a hint of caffeine to get through a slow afternoon, a cup of tea may be just what you need to get through your day in a healthy way.