Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan

Although summer is nearing it’s end, there are still some days that manage to cause a sweat.

At work we don’t put on the air conditioner unless it reaches a stagnant temperature in the high 80’s. Being the stubborn person I am, I figured I’d find a way to beat this heat, while every one of my other co-workers suffered. Hah!

(I’m sure when they come in to the office today though, one of them will find a way to sabotage my comfort).

I came across the Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan and knew immediately this would be the perfect solution to beating the heat at work. The fan itself sat in a see through box, and looked like something put together in a haste, using semi-cheap materials. The fan is all metal, has a metal grill, and even has an American standard plug in chord.

I figured this was perfect because most fans this small run on batteries. I liked the fact that I didn’t have to worry about batteries dying on a hot steamer of a day.

The fan itself is 4 inches all around, and sits on a small stand. The stand is not height adjustable, but you can tile the fans head up or down depending on where you want it blowing.

The chord is around 3 feet long, so there is plenty of room to plop the fan onto your desk and still manage to plug it in.

My Use:

After taking the Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan out of the box, I must say I was pretty impressed with how durable the little thing felt. Its almost as if a large fan was shrunken down to make this itty cute one.

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I plugged the fan into my available outlet, and searched for the on button, which is located right on the back of the fans head.

Immediately the fan started up and began blowing a very nice light breeze on me. What I loved about the Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan most of all though was that it cools you off, without blowing every piece of paper off of your desk.

The downside though is that there are no adjustable settings. It blows at one speed, and one speed only. I feel though that the light breeze it gives off is plenty efficient. I would however of preferred at least one higher setting for really hot hot days.

Anyhow,with that aside, the second thing I loved about the Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan was the fact that it was quiet. I didn’t want to distract my co-workers, or draw attention to my new cooling device, and seeing how it is so quiet, odds are it will take them knuckle heads a few hours to realize I even have it.


The Hawaiian Breeze 4″ Personal Fan does it’s job. It kept me cool throughout the day, ran silently throughout the day, and is more durable than I first gave it credit for. All in all, I can say that this fan is a MUST have for those who work in hot offices with no AC. It is also the perfect desktop companion for in home use.

I adore it, it’s cute, stylish, and it is functional.

Pricing and Availability:

I picked this fan up for only $6.99 at my local Target, where you too can find them. Their were 3 colors available at the time. I went with the standard silver color. You can however also pick up a red fan, or a blue one.

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