Have You Ever Thought About Being a Correctional Officer

Have you ever thought about being a Correctional Officer? The job seems okay, but the fact of working in a locked up environment really sets the bad mood of the industry. These are the steps you have to take. Its not hard but mentally it is.

Here is the first step: #1

Start by applying at your nearest jail near you, it most likely going to be a county jail or maybe a private facility.

Here is the second step: #2

When going to the job interview remember to dress descent, nobody wants to see a hippie go apply for law enforcement. Make sure your hair is cut and combed neatly and most important have your shirt tucked in, that pretty much guarantees your hiring of the position.

Here is the third step: #3

The facility will require you to attend a four week training academy and many people think it is dumb, but it is really not. The idea of the academy is to get you aware of the environment you are about to work in and most important the word, “ethics. Which only eighty percent of the Correction Officers actually follow.

Here is the fourth step: #4

In the training you will learn martial arts, a type of self-defense, in case you get attacked, or have to use it. In the mean time try to get plenty of exercise and fresh air, to be relaxed and ready to start the actual work.

Here is the fifth step: #5

One day before graduation, you will be sprayed with mase to get the feeling of the spray, in case you have to use it. And, believe me it is the worst feeling in the world. I think getting stabbed ten times in the arm would probably feel better. Just, be sure to get plenty of water in eyes to wash out the pepper spray, and make sure to throw away your old clothes, because the pepper usually does not come out. And, one more thing take a bath with cold water, because you are going to need it.

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Here is the sixth step: #6

After graduation you will be assigned to work nights, most likely. Those are the shifts nobody wants. And, be sure to buy some expensive running black shoes like Nikes, because there is going to be a lot of standing up involved.

Here is the final step: Final Step

When you start working, the inmates are going to push all the wrong buttons, but don’t give in. Just keep positive and relax. The main thing is to follow the rules and you will gain respect with time. Just be calm and things will turn out fine. Those inmates are in there for a reason and you are there to protect them