Haunted Places in Dallas, TX

The State of Texas has a lot to offer its visitors. Within this vast state is the city of Dallas, well known for its sports team the five-time Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys. However, there are other visits the largest city in North Texas can offer…its haunts. Among the places that people claim to have experienced ghostly apparitions are Millermore Mansion at Old City Park and The Grand Crystal Palace Theater/Lizard Lounge.

Located in downtown Dallas is a museum that is very different from most that you may experience in any city. Old City Park is a museum that has over 30 buildings that have been relocated to this location that were originally located within 100 miles of the downtown Dallas area. One such building is the Millermore Mansion, which is one of the haunted places in Dallas. Millermore Mansion is a two-story, Greek revival home, completed in 1861 at the inception of the Civil War. The house was inhabited by the Miller family for over 100 years, but many visitors to the historic home say that it is still inhabited by the spirit of a woman. Staff and visitors alike indicate that on the second story of the house they have seen a woman. The woman usually is spotted around the area that was once the master bedroom and nursery. There are no indications as to who present inhabitant is, as she does not appear to be upset by those that choose to drop by. However, her presence is felt by many who dare enter. Old City Park also known as Heritage Village is located at 1515 South Harwood St., Dallas, TX 75215-1273. The hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 AM – 4 PM, Sunday 12 noon – 4 PM. For admission, prices and information contact the ticket office at (214) 428-5448.

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Another ghostly address is the Grand Crystal Palace Theatre, presently known as the Lizard Lounge, which is another of the haunted places in Dallas. This former dinner theater currently one of the premier clubs in the Deep Ellum area of Dallas, was built around 1899. In its heyday, it was an establishment in which many of the wealthiest in Dallas attended for its entertainment. However, many say it is haunted. There are those that state that during the time that the building was being erected, several workers were killed and now lurk in different areas of the building. Throughout the years, they have been instances where the dressing rooms were left in shambles. The person at hand is not known; maybe it is the girl in the painting said to be haunted by a good spirit. There are also those that report that a man in a dark suit looms around the seating area for the audience. Some is called the building cross between the Addams Family manor and a bordello. To see for yourself, you can visit the Lizard Lounge at 2424 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204. For more information, call 214-826-4768.
