Handling a Stomach Bug During Pregnancy

If you’ve had morning sickness come and go during your pregnancy, you may feel relieved-the worst is behind you. The only thing worse than morning sickness during pregnancy, however, is getting actually, honest-to-goodness sick while you’re pregnant. I would gladly have traded in my 24 hour stomach bug during pregnancy for another week of morning sickness. If you’re sick and pregnant, here are some tips to help you cope.

Try to stay hydrated.

Though it can be very hard, especially if you feel like everything you eat or drink is coming back up, try to force yourself to drink some water while you have a stomach bug. Hydration is very important for you and the baby. If you are ill for more than 12-24 hours, and if nothing is staying in your system, contact your primary care physician and/or your obstetrician or midwife to inform them of the situation and see if they have additional guidance on avoiding dehydration. It may be necessary for them to send you to the hospital for IV fluids if you can’t keep anything down for an extended period of time.

Take it easy, even after you can get out of the bathroom and out of bed.

Your body already has a lot going on, and a stomach bug or the flu will only exhaust your system even more. Do not expect to be able to return to your usual activity level the day after you are off of the bathroom floor. It took me almost (over) two weeks to feel like myself again after a stomach bug during my second pregnancy. Take it easy, listen to your body, and again, contact your doctor if your condition worsens.

See also  The Importance of Staying Hydrated While Pregnant

Remember your doctor’s guidelines about medications.

If you’ve been restricted to Tylenol and Tums during your pregnancy, don’t expect the guidelines to let up too much during a stomach bug-and realistically, nothing well help but letting the virus run its course. If you would like to take an additional medication, be sure to contact your doctor and ask, first. What to Expect says that some doctors may permit an anti-diarrheal after your first trimester, but only consider this with your doctor’s okay.

Don’t expect your appetite to come barreling back.

After I had (2) stomach bugs during my pregnancy, I kept expecting my appetite to come back quickly. After all, I was gaining weight for the baby, and I felt certain that I’d lost more than a pound or two with all my vomiting! In fact, just like a stomach bug wiped my out physically and took time to recover, it took my appetite time to get back to where it was, too. For the first few days after a stomach bug, listen to your body. Eat small, bland meals throughout the day. Take it easy and build back up to a regular caloric intake.

There’s no worse feeling than a stomach bug during pregnancy-I’ve been there. Thankfully, they’re usually quick moving, and with some rest and patience, you’ll be back to your old self again in no time!


What to Expect; Stomach Bugs; http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-health/if-you-get-sick/stomach-bugs.aspx