Gynophobia- Fear of Women

Gynophobia is a fear of women, mostly encompassed by men. Gynophobia more specifically is the fear or hatred (or both) of women in general, and is usually embodied by men who have the irrational notion that women are meant to cause harm and humiliation in a man’s life. Men who suffer from Gynophobia don’t trust women of all sorts, and tend to have “mother hating” issues as well.

This unfortunate fear for men typically stems from abandonment or abuse from their mother in childhood. Occasionally, gynophobia is acquired later in life by a woman putting a man down so severely and abusing his manhood that it creates itself into a genuine fear of rejection and humiliation of all women. However the fear of women comes to be in men, it is dangerous in that it not only keeps a man from encountering a normal relationship with a woman, but it can lend itself to extreme hatred for all women as well.

Men who suffer from gynophobia typically view women as a threat- either physically or emotionally. Men who fear women may wish to not be around them in a sexual sense, as in a man’s eyes, all women are unclean, promiscuous, users, and have whorish behavior. Women to men who suffer from gynophobia can be liars, cheaters, and sure to abandon the man at one point. It’s quite easy for a fear of women to grow into an all-out hatred in this respect.

Therapy for gynophobia is key, as a man hoarding such extreme irrationalities toward women prevents him from having a decent relationship with a woman, gaining trust in a woman, and keeps him from being able to encounter women in an equal setting in the workplace or other areas. Unlike the fear of men for women, where their fathers, male siblings, and other close male family members are considered safe, for men, the fear and hatred of women is usually most targeted at their own mothers, sisters, and even wives. Many men who suffer from gynophobia are deemed “woman haters”. And in many cases, this is true.

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The fear of women for men can become so extreme they hate all women on sight, which is extremely unhealthy. Deeming women as filthy, stupid, unworthy, and untrustworthy can hinder a man’s ability to have a female boss or coworker, can cause them to lash out at women, and deeply disrespect a woman’s authority. While gynophobia genuinely starts out as a fear of women and their abuse or abandonment, gynophobia typically branches out toward a super unhealthy and very real hatred for all women.

Therapy is an absolute must to help a man overcome his gynophobia, both for himself and for his ability to relate to women without immediately disregarding them in an unhealthy way. Men with a fear of women can express their fears and hatred toward women and find the root of their fears and hatred to better understand themselves. Therapy can also allow men to view women in a whole new light of comfort, companionship, joy, and nurturing rather than the very negative view that they currently have about women. It’s a tragic and unfortunate fear, and men can overcome gynophobia to where they can lead more successful lives around women and stop viewing women as a complete threat with proper therapy.
