Guide to Choosing a Song for Your First Dance as Husband and Wife

Some couples choose to use “their” song for their first dance as husband and wife, but the choices are honestly endless. This is the moment at which your union will be announced to all of the guests at your reception, so make it count. Remember that this should be a decision that you and your spouse-to-be make together, and it should be a song that has emotional significance for the both of you. Don’t feel as though you have to be confined by what is “typically” considered the best song for your first dance as husband and wife.

“Your” Song
If you and your spouse-to-be have a song that you consider “your” song, that might be the best one to use for your first dance as husband and wife. Obviously, it has emotional significance and you both like the song, so it will be a dance to remember. Of course, if “your” song is Edible Autopsy by Cannibal Corpse, you might want to make a different selection. Make sure it’s appropriate for your reception.

The Internet
If you don’t have a song that you consider emotionally significant, you can also use the Internet to choose a song for your first dance as husband and wife. is a great place to start, as they have an extensive list of popular first songs as well as some obscure hits. You can also see the artist next to the title so finding a copy of the song shouldn’t be a problem. If that list doesn’t have anything for you, try and for additional lists and suggestions.

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Some couples choose to use the song that their parents first danced as husband and wife. It has a “Circle of Life” feel and will bring tears to the eyes of those who brought you into this world. If that doesn’t appeal, consider choosing a song that has social or cultural meaning for you and your spouse-to-be. The song doesn’t have to be a popular hit, and it doesn’t have to have words.

Sit down together in front of the stereo and start going through some of your favorite songs. Look through CD’s that you might not have listened to in the last several years. You might come across a song that you both love but that you’ve never discussed before. You can also pool your CD’s and ask friends for their collections to expand your options and give you a better opportunity to find something you’ll both agree on.

DJ or Band
If you’re still not having any luck choosing a song for your first dance as husband and wife, consider talking to your band or DJ and asking for recommendations. Chances are, they have done dozens of weddings in the past and will have great suggestions from which you can choose. This method has another benefit: You’ll be sure that the band or DJ is able to play the song without any extra help from you.
