Greek Mythology: A Study of the Greek Warrior, Hero & Hunter, Actaeon

In Greek mythology, Actaeon was a renowned hunter of amazing talent and agility. He was son of Autonoe, the daughter of Cadmus. Autonoe was a minor Greek god, but of royal decent no less. She raised her son with all the concepts and beliefs that Greek gods bestowed upon their young.[1]

Just as Achilles Actaeon was trained by Chiron, the leader of the centaur. Chiron’s abilities in teaching the art of combat was legendary. Men like Achilles and Actaeon were just a few of many of the expert fighters created by his skill. This training however, depending upon which story is told, lead to the downfall of Actaeon.[2]

According to one story Actaeon somehow created tension between himself and Artemis, Greek goddess of the wilderness and sister of Apollo. Following a brawl and severe argument, Artemis became enraged. Ultimately, Artemis took Actaeon’s life. But, this is but one example of Actaeon’s tragic death.[3]

Another possibility that also involves Artemis, deals with Actaeon’s cocky attitude. Actaeon was indeed a great warrior, his arrogance perhaps getting the better of him and leading to Artemis irritation. In retaliation for Actaeon’s arrogance, Artemis killed him, to prove Actaeon’s skill false.[4]

Some sources say that his death was merely a process of transfiguration and then a hunting upon his new form. In this story, Actaeon intruded upon Artemis while she bathed. He glanced in awe has he looked upon her nude body. For this, Artemis transformed Actaeon into a stag. Then, while still not use to his new body, Artemis ordered Actaeon’s own dogs to chase him down and kill him. The dogs, upon killing Actaeon, ate his body. It is interesting to note that Tiresias is said to have also been transfigured for seeing Athena bathing naked. Similarities such as this spur up throughout mythologies, sometime between Greek mythologies of different nationalities.[5]

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The death of Actaeon brought sadness across the land. Animals of every type cried upon his death. One day, to end the sadness, Chiron the centaur returned to honor Actaeon, his pupil. He artistically created a statue of Actaeon said to have been so lifelike that anyone looking upon it would have sworn it to be a real man. This statue pleased the animals and they cried no more.[6]

It is interesting to note the parallels in the story of Actaeon in Greek mythology. He is remarkably similar to Achilles in many ways. His combatant skills prove to be not as great as his ability to brag, but Chiron always produced able fighters. Therefore, as historians of Greek mythology, we can logically assume that Actaeon was one of the greater fighters in Greek mythological history.[7]

[1] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[2] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[3] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[4] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[5] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[6] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15

[7] The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: Greek Mythology 15