Great Gift Ideas for a College Graduate

Each college graduate is going to be different in their wants and needs when it comes to college graduation gifts. While each individual has their own set of circumstances surrounding their post-graduate situation, there are certain gifts that lend themselves more readily to the recent graduate, no matter what their future plans might be. Here are ten graduation gift ideas that will appeal to the majority of those moving on from the realms of the college campus and out into the real world.

Television/flat screen – It’s probably a want, most likely a need, and now is definitely the time to buy. Companies like Best Buy, Target, Sears and Overstock.comare good places to start your search and have some serious deals going on for all shapes and sizes of televisions.

Trip/vacation/cruise – Just like graduating from high school, the transition from finishing a college career can be a strenuous time in any young person’s life. Consider sending your college grad on one last adventure before they hit the working world.,, and might have some good deals or at least give you ideas of various travel options, destinations, and prices.

Dishes/silverware – While not the most exciting of gifts, if there is a new apartment, condo or house in the graduate’s picture, dishes and silverware can be quite helpful gifts. Stores like Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn, and Pier1 have nice sets of dishes that are a bit on the pricey side, but are geared toward the trendy new homeowner or apartment dweller.

Gift card/s – If you’re just not sure what to buy, but have an idea of where this graduate does his or her shopping, then maybe a gift card to that particular store or stores is the way to go. You don’t even have to go to many of the stores to buy their gift cards anymore as they can often be purchased online at

See also  10 Economical Graduation Gift Ideas

Cash – You can seldom go wrong when it comes to cash, especially for the graduate struggling to make it in a job, pay for a new home, and cover all the bills.

Furniture/accessories – Whether the college graduate is moving out on their own or coming back home, new furniture, lamps, and other home furnishing can always be helpful gifts. Value City,, and Thomasville have wide selections on all sorts and sizes of furniture, but there are also plenty of local retailers who are offering deals and discounts right now.

Help with student loans – Offer to make one installment of the graduate’s student loan payment will surely be appreciated when those bills begin to pile up and it is a unique gift idea.

New/used Car or down payment – What better time to give the gift of a new automobile. Car dealerships are desperate and it’s a great time to buy! If you can’t afford to buy new, CarMax offers a great selection on used cars.

Security deposit/down payment on apartment/condo/house – This might be a stretch for most of us, but for the wealthier of parents and family members, it’s always an interesting option.

Stocks – As an investment for the future, it could be the perfect time to purchase some shares in a company. This gift has the potential for long-term profitability – if there is such a thing anymore!