Great Gardening Quotes

Did you know that words are powerful? They make one think, laugh, cry, or even blush. For those who love to garden, and even for those who may not, there’s no better way to express the joys and hardships of this pastime than to read some of the most thought-provoking words said by others. In fact, great gardening quotes can even make wonderful additions to the garden, painted or written on signs. Not only do gardening quotes add charm to the garden but also when placed in just the right spot, they provide an opportunity to “stop and smell the roses” so to speak and reflect on their wisdom. With a harvest of quotes to garden by, you’ll never find yourself at a loss for words.

Here are some great gardening quotes reflecting on the simplicity and generalities of this wonderful hobby.

“All gardeners know better than other gardeners.” ~Chinese Proverb

“The most noteworthy thing about gardeners is that they are always optimistic, always enterprising, and never satisfied. They always look forward to doing something better than they have ever done before.” ~Vita Sackville

“I garden, therefore I am.”

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” ~Indian Proverb

“Gardening requires lots of water – most of it in the form of perspiration.” ~Lou Erickson

“So many seeds-so little time.”

Have you ever felt defeated by mistakes made in the garden or perhaps the weeds that take it over? Here are some great gardening quotes that may offer some encouragement.

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“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” ~Janet Kilburn Phillips

“Gardening is something you learn by doing – and by making mistakes, like cooking, gardening is a constant process of experimentation, repeating the successes and throwing out the failures.” ~Carol Stocker

“A weed is only a misplaced plant.”

“What is a weed? A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” ~Emerson

My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view.” ~H. Fred Ale.

“There are no green thumbs or black thumbs. There are only gardeners and non-gardeners.” ~Henry Mitchell

What better way to express the healthy aspect of gardening than to include these lovely gardening quotes.

When gardeners garden, it is not just plants that grow, but the gardeners themselves.” ~Ken Druse

“Gardening is medicine that does not need a prescription … and with no limit on dosage.” ~Author unknown

“Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination.” ~Alice Morse Earle

“You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt.”

But though an old man, I am but a young gardener.” ~Thomas Jefferson

“Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.” ~Author Unknown

For friendship, love, happiness, and everything in between, here are some great gardening quotes that pretty much say it all.

“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.” ~Emma Goldman

Where flowers bloom so does hope.” ~Lady Bird Johnson

“True friendship is like a rose: we don’t realize its beauty until it fades.” ~Evelyn Loeb

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“A garden always gives back more than it receives.” ~Mara Beamish

He who plants a garden plants happiness.

“One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.” ~W. E. Johns

“Practice is the seedbed of miracles.” ~Michael Murphy

“Men are like plants-they never grow happily unless they are well cultivated.” ~Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu (1721)

“We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden.”