Great Cheap Graduation Gift Ideas

The summer months are coming and that means graduation time. Here are some thoughtful ideas for cheap graduation gifts for those in your life who are preparing for college or ready to enter the workforce.

Graduation Gifts for High School Seniors

Cheap Graduation Gift # 1 – Homesick Emergency Gift

Heading off to college, your graduate is bound to feel homesick every now and then. You can help erase this feeling by giving them a homesick emergency kit as a graduation gift. Select several reminders of home, like a picture, snacks only available in the area, or notes, then secure the items inside a sturdy box. Leave a note on the outside “Open Only in Extreme Emergency”. Though they may dismiss the idea, you can be sure it will bring a smile to their face when they find the need to open it.

Cheap Graduation Gift # 2 – Laundry Do-It Yourself Basket

Your high school senior may not be too familiar with the intricacies of doing laundry and will have to learn on the fly. This cheap graduation gift is the perfect solution. Find a study laundry basket and fill it with the necessities, like detergent, fabric sheets, spot remover pens, and a jar container a set amount of quarters.

Cheap Graduation Gift # 3 – High School Scrapbook

If you are feeling a bit creative, the perfect solution for a cheap graduation gift is a personalized scrapbook. With a bit of flair and a handful of pictures, a memorable graduation gift can be created with ease. Not sure what else to add, touch base with the graduates family or friends for some research opportunity. The supplies you will need can be found at your local big box retailers, like Target or Wal-Mart, or at one of the many scrapbook stores that have popped up across the country.

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Cheap Graduation Gift # 4 – Essentials of Cooking

Another area where high school seniors may have little to no experience is the kitchen. Why not get them started on the right foot by creating a survival kit for the kitchen. For this cheap graduation gift, make sure to include items like basic kitchen utensils, a favorite cookbook, and even a few packages of Ramen noodles to help get them started.

Cheap Graduation Gift # 5 – Loaded Coupon Book

Coupons are one of those things you learn to appreciate as you get older, so why not help get the ball rolling. For this cheap graduation gift, find a sturdy coupon book and begin to fill it a few weeks before the big day. Aside from including coupons for groceries and the bare essentials, maybe you can find some entertainment coupons where they will be attending school.

Graduation Gifts for the College Graduate

Cheap Graduation Gift # 6 – Portable Massager

What better way to prepare the college graduate for the stress they are going to encounter in the workforce than a handheld massager. The lightweight units can be found in various styles, including some that offer radiant heat during the massage. To find this cheap graduation gift, check out big box retailers like Target, where it can be purchased for less than $45.00

Cheap Graduation Gift # 7 – Financial Advice

Despite living on their own for the past few years, college graduates are still novices when it comes to preparing for the real world. Why not help them get started on the right foot by giving them a book filled with financial wisdom. Books like, Your Money or Your Life or Rich Dad, Poor Dad, can be found at bargain rates on

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Cheap Graduation Gift # 8 – Resume Assistance

Maybe the college graduate has not landed a job by the time the big day approaches. Help ease some of the cost of mass producing their resume by purchasing a gift card for FedEx Kinko’s or a similar copy store. This will help make sure the college graduate has the best looking resume as they prepare to begin the stressful job hunt.

Cheap Graduation Gift # 9 – Organization

One thing every college graduate will need when they enter the real world is organization. Whether it is a hand held organizer or a software program for their computer, every college graduate will benefit from this. Venture to big box stores like Best Buy to find the appropriate software or handheld organizers for this cheap graduation gift.

Cheap Graduation Gifts # 10Saving Account

One thing college graduates need to start thinking about the day they enter the workforce is their retirement, because life has a way of passing us by. Either you can find out where they bank or speak with their parents so you can open a money saver’s club account in their name. By getting the retirement ball rolling, this cheap graduation gift can get them started in the right direction for less than $50.