Got the Belches? Ways to Help to Treat Belching

Traditional doctors don’t always take belching seriously, so they may advise patients simply to take antacids. According to alternative nutritionists and physicians, how­ever, excessive belching usually occurs when the digestive sys­tem isn’t working right. If you don’t have enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes, the food you eat is likely to just sit in your stomach and small intestine rather than being digested properly. When this happens, the food may produce gases that cause bloating and constant, uncomfortable belching.

How do you stop the belching? If you want temporary relief, you can take an over-the-counter product with the ingredient simethicone. It causes gas bubbles to come together and combine so that they’re more easily expelled, says William B. Salt II, M.D., clinical asso­ciate professor of medicine at Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health in Columbus If you want to solve the problem and get permanent relief, However, alternative practitioners say that you should try herbal and dietary supplements. They may actually eliminate excess belching by helping your digestive tract do what it’s designed 3 do.

According to Alternative Home Remedies

Ginger: Nearly Instant Relief

The herb ginger stimulates digestion and is good for both believing and preventing belching, says Mark Stengler, N.D., an aturopathic physician in San Diego .

He recommends taking one or two 550-milligram capsules of powdered ginger or 30 drops of tincture right before each meal. )r you can drink a cup of ginger tea with each meal. If you still have symptoms after a week, see a doctor, he adds.

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Indigestible Enzymes : A Package of Protection

A lifetime of poor diet, such as eating too many processed foods and not enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, may damage the body’s ability to manufacture normal levels of digestive enzymes. This can lead to excessive belching, says Teresa Lispoli, Ph.D., a licensed nutritionist and acupuncturist in Agoura fills, California .

You can make up for this deficiency by taking a combination supplement that includes the full complement of digestive enzymes. She recommends looking for a supplement that includes s many of the following enzymes as possible: protease and pancreatin for protein digestion, amylase for starches, lipase for at, cellulose for vegetable fibers, lactose for milk sugar.

Take the supplement before meals, following the dosage rec­ommendations on the label. It’s safe to take it indefinitely.

Cardamom: Calms the Stomach

Cardamom may help reduce muscle spasms in the stomach, which are one cause of belching, says Dr. Rispoli. It also in­creases the production of digestive fluids so that food in the digestive tract is less likely to “rot” and produce gas.

You can prepare it as a tea by adding 1 teaspoon of car­damom to 8 ounces of water and boiling for 10 minutes. Drink it hot.

Hingwasticka: An Herbal Formula for Better Digestion

In Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing from India , belching is a vara condition, meaning that there is an excess of air in the system. Taking the herbal formula Hingwastika can re­lieve excess vata, says Light Miller, an Ayurvedic practitioner in Sarasota , Florida . She recommends taking two capsules after each meal. It’s safe to take this until your belching is relieved, but you should take it only with the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

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Teas: Calming Cures

Folk treatments for belching include clove tea and citrus peel tea, says Andrew Gaeddert, a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and director of the Get Well Clinic in Oakland , California . To make the tea, add 1 teaspoon of cloves or finely grated citrus peel to 8 ounces of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink the tea hot.

Break the Belching Cycle

Maybe you don’t just belch after meals. Maybe you belch all the time, throughout the day, over and over again. This condition is called aerophagia.and it probably means that you’re swallowing air, says William B.Salt II, M.D., clinical associate professor of medicine at Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health in Columbus .

Here’s what happens. When gas accumulates in your stomach, you may feel bloated, so you swallow some extra air in hopes of provoking a burp. But you probably swallow more air than you belch. This starts a cycle in which you feel bloated, swallow air to relieve yourself belch, fee’ more bloated, swallow more air, and on and on. Soon, this process becomes unconscious, and you’re belch­ing all the time. The best way to control belching is not with OTC drugs but with your mind.