Good Bay Area Moving Companies

I feel particularly well versed in Bay Area movers – actually, movers in general. During my 20s, I moved 20 times. No joke. Every six months. And no, I wasn’t in the military, either, merely seeing the world on my own terms, with possessions in tow.

But a funny thing changed in moves from my early 20s to my late 20s. More and more of my friends had bad backs, bad knees, aching joints, or just some part of their body that gave them problems. They also had lives, which means they weren’t real eager to lug my stuff around the corner, down to the freight elevator, across the street, into the truck, across town, and up several flights of stairs into my elevator-less but oh-so-new abode. Nor were promises of pizza and alcoholic beverages much of an incentive.

So movers became very important. And as difficult as moving is, even when things go well, I found that an excellent moving company made the day much, much easier. So here are 3 moving companies commonly seen in the Bay Area. Consider the first two particularly if you would rather call a mover than the pizza guy:

*Delancey Street Movers (415-512-5110) is one of the programs of the non-profit Delancey Street, which works to help ex-cons develop job skills and re-enter life successfully. But don’t worry about some strange guy with tattoos showing up – these folks are super-professional. (Participants in the Delancey Street program have to work up to this type of position, too, meaning the folks you interact with are not fresh out of jail or rehab.) In fact, these folks were one of the two most professional movers I have ever had. They made a very complicated move – getting my stuff, loading it, going to my partner’s apartment, loading her stuff, and taking everything to the new abode – very, very easy. Prior to the move, a team of two met with me so they knew exactly what would be moved, what would be needed, etc. They are also certified by the American Moving and Storage Association (, a professional body. For two guys to do a checklist, and four guys to do the heavy lifting the day of the move, the rates were very reasonable. They showed up on time and worked very hard.

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*Movers Pak-man (1-800-273-3662 or is another Bay Area moving company that did one of the most professional jobs I have ever experienced. They wrapped up things more carefully than even I would have (really). This family-owned, woman-owned business showed up on time, and also had a rep come out prior to the move to do a thorough walk-through of what would be moved, what they would need, etc. They came prepared, and worked in 90-plus heat. Their attention to detail was astounding. They made the move very easy (and this time, we had a lot more stuff), and always erred on the side of professionalism to the extreme. They also handle moves outside of the Bay Area, to/from Hawaii, the East Coast, and international moves as well. I’d use them again in a heartbeat.

*Starving Students ( or 1-800-254-0375) is another Bay Area moving company I have used. While my experience with them was OK (not great, as the other two companies above were), others’ experiences since my last move with them made me decide not to use them again. The California Public Utilities Commission web site ( fined them in 2005 for rules violations, and has them on a blacklist. My own experience with Starving Students was relatively positive, but sloppy. They were a bit late, failed to tell me my entire credit card balance would be held for several days, and no one came out beforehand. Their personnel were not as neatly groomed as other companies’ staff. Everything got from Point A to Point B, but with the two companies above providing such stellar customer service in comparison, it didn’t seem reasonable to contact them again.

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If you know of another moving company and would like to use them, check their licensing at The CPUC provides a list of current licensing for moving companies, as well as the types of insurance they carry. In addition, the CPUC’s toll-free number is available on its web site should you wish to file a complaint with about any moving company.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is also a great place to check a mover’s reputation. Try for Bay Area moving companies.