Going Green Means Potential Jobs in the Job Market

Going green is one economic and environmental trend that does not seem to be turning around.

Since the late 1990s Americans and other Westerners have seen greater opportunities to go green. Protecting and caring for the planet can mean a number of things, and it isn’t just the three R’s anymore. Reducing, recycling and reusing may have been what Generation Y learned in Elementary school, however, that same generation is beginning to do much more in regards to environmental friendliness.

One area of the job market that has seen growth due to environmental causes is that of journalism. Many journalists have landed jobs covering a variety of environmental studies and cases. Greenbiz.com’s provision of education, news and analysis has created many jobs as it has continued to bring in profit from environmentally friendly sponsors.

As the greenery expands in popularity and local awareness, the job market continues to infiltrate into this field. Every area of business seems to be included in somewhat of an environmental movement.

Marketing and human resources are two other areas that have seen a considerable rise in the environmental industry.

According to Kevin Doyle, president of Green Economy (forbes.com), the workforce has seen a significant rise of 1.6 million people over the past ten years. This number does not even include the job increases due to the organic food industry.

One industry that has seen growth due to the green movement is the construction industry. Green buildings that include more environmentally sound heating, cooling and energy efficient resources have been the cause of a great number of jobs.

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Other careers that have taken a flying leap due to the environmental changes are brokers, engineers and sustainability coordinators. Bio-mimicry engineers, for example, have designed a self-cleaning paint that repels dirt, similar to the lotus leaf.

Sustainability coordinators work for large corporations such as Walmart and help oversee environmental effects of the industry at large.

Another area in which the environmental job market has seen growth is that of green architects. Increasing global awareness has caused many industries and individuals to rethink and redesign buildings so that they are more energy-efficient.

It is anticipated that at some point in the future, the government will put a price on waste, so many industries are making attempts to stay ahead of the game by investing in more energy efficient resources at this time.

Companies are also investing into environmental industries such as the wind industry. Tyson Foods, for example has announced that it plans to make diesel fuel from chicken fat.

Universities are also joining in by offering joint M.B.A./environmental science masters degree. Many students are taking positions in corporations that have a commitment to environmental awareness and improvement.

The current generation is expected to have a greater care for the environment due to the continued threat of global warming and loss of non-renewable resources.

Students are advised to learn as much as they can about the environment and business while they are pursing their college degrees. This way, they will be more likely to get a job in an industry where the environment is valued.

The Green market jobs are available for viewing at a variety of sources. Greenbiz.com, greenjobs.com and ecojobs.com include a wide variety of positions including engineering and conservation.

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Those who are currently employed in the business world are also encouraged to take courses to become more environmentally aware. They will also have a greater likelihood of getting hired for an environmental position that includes business skills.

The green market is anticipated to experience continued growth with both small and large corporations. Renewable Fuels Engineers and Biologists are expected to continue to find jobs. Ecological economists are also expected to find jobs working for green organizations. There is also job potential for lobbyists who are on the green trail.

For more information on the green job industry, visit forbes.com