Glucophage: Treatment for Insulin Resistance

Glucophage and it’s generic, metformin is a drug that is used to treat diabetics. This medication can also be used for people who are simply insulin resistant and not experiencing symptoms of diabetes. While those who are insulin resistant are much more prone to developing diabetes, it is not a guarantee.

Insulin Resistance (IR) is defined as “the diminished ability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into muscle and other tissues.” ( When the muscle won’t accept the insulin, the pancreas overcompensates by producing more insulin. Insulin is a hormone and its main job is to aid in the metabolism of carbohydrates. When carbs are not broken down, they turn onto sugar and end up becoming stored in the body. IR can also throw off other hormones in the body, causing even more problems.

Insulin resistance has the potential to become a serious problem. Luckily, Glucophage can help get your body back on track. Glucophage lowers the amount of sugar in the blood by limiting its absorption and decreasing sugar production. It also helps the body to use insulin more effectively.

Living with insulin resistance can be difficult. Most people with IR are very overweight and the insulin resistance makes it increasingly difficult to lose weight. It can also leave people feeling lethargic. Of course, it can also lead to Type 2 diabetes. It can be a struggle to find the right doctor to work with when you are simply IR and not diabetic. A lot of doctors are still unknowing about the benefits of Glucophage on insulin resistance. Generally, the best doctor to see if you want to receive the best care is an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist deals with hormones and most specialize in diabetes care but they are knowledgeable about insulin resistance and its treatment.

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Once you are able to take Glucophage, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully. Although it is very rare, there is a condition known as lactic acidosis that can occur. This occurs when the kidney’s function is impaired. Therefore, it is important to have blood work done at least every six months while taking the medication. This will also allow the doctor to see your progress and adjust dosage if necessary.

Glucophage causes an upset stomach in pretty much everyone who takes it. For this reason, the dosage starts out at 500mg and is increased gradually to allow the body time to adjust. Most doctors consider the minimum effective dose to be 1500mg; however there is a study out now suggesting that 2000mg may be the minimum effective dose. This, of course, is up to your doctor to decide.

One of the hardest things about taking Glucophage and being insulin resistant is explaining it to other people, especially medical professionals who are not up to date on the treatment of insulin resistance. Often, they will put in your chart that you are diabetic because you mention taking Glucophage when they ask for medical history. This can become a problem with your insurance company if left unchanged. Make sure to tell everyone that you are not diabetic and are taking the Glucophage to counteract the insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is diagnosed after fasting blood work has been taken. Once you receive the diagnosis, find a doctor who is knowledgeable on this condition and get started with Glucophage. It can take time to see the results of the Glucophage but it is worth the wait. Glucophage is the best method of treatment currently available to fight against insulin resistance.

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