Get Rid of Spiders Naturally

Organic pest control isn’t always easy, especially when you need to get rid of spiders. Purchasing a can of poison and spraying known spider hideouts or the spiders themselves is often the easiest spider deterring method, but for those who are looking for organic pest control methods, poison just isn’t the answer. In addition, when it comes to creepy crawly eight legged invaders, sometimes the shoe method is the swiftest way to eradicate the pests, but this can often lead to re-invasion within days. Organic pest control is often a more thorough method of keeping the spiders at bay; it requires changing your lifestyle, understanding methods known to get rid of spiders, and being resilient in your quest. Here are other methods to get rid of spiders using organic pest control:

Housekeeping is the key! – Keep closets organized and sweep them out regularly to get rid of spiders in the home. Contrary to the myth that arachnids are mini-vampires with a taste for human blood, spiders like dark places to hide in and prefer to avoid humans altogether. If you make a commitment to cut down the clutter, you create fewer attractive hiding spaces in the long run. Don’t store papers or magazines in unkempt stacks or cardboard boxes, as they make perfect dens. Vacuum regularly and sweep often. Choose sealable storage boxes for unused items over cardboard boxes. Of course, if you see spider webs, they should be immediately removed.

Get rid of spiders before they come inside. – Keep outdoor landscaping neatly trimmed and mow regularly to keep the number of spiders close to the home to a minimum. Get rid of spiders’ habitats by raking leaves and grass clippings away from the house, especially from basement windows and door jambs. Do not keep composting bins close to your home whenever possible. Create a boundary around your home with cedar mulch or sand to provide an irritant to deter spiders from wanting to set up house. Check all door seals and window seals and caulk whenever necessary. If you allow houseplants to sun during the day, wash them off before bringing them back inside to get rid of spiders hitching a ride back into the home.

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Remove their food source. – Properly store food and clean kitchens well to prevent popular spider prey like flies and roaches from setting up home in your living space. Get rid of spider smorgasbords by keeping the porch lights turned off, as they tend to attract hoards of flying insects that spiders crave. Raise ladybugs and praying mantis outdoors to create prey competition for the spider. Don’t bring in second-hand furniture without thoroughly checking for bed bugs, fleas and mites first, which would introduce a hearty food supply for arachnids.

Natural Deterrents – Try oil of eucalyptus on baseboards for organic pest control to encourage spiders to find new place to live. Spiders use their feet to taste, so they dislike walking on things washed or sprayed with certain flavors/smells. Other spider-unfriendly scents are pepper, lemon peels, tansy, pennyroyal, vinegar, osage orange, horse chestnuts, mint oil, boric acid, and cedar balls. Not only do the spiders reportedly hate the previous scents and flavors, their prey can’t stand them either.

Spider Predators – If you are trying to get rid of spiders of a non-poisonous nature, try enlisting the help of a cat. Cats can’t resist the movement of a spider. Though it might seem repulsive to have a spider-eating kitty happily chasing down the eight-legged invaders, they are very affective hunters, and definitely an organic pest control method.

Other natural devices – Sticky traps placed on walls or along baseboards will irritate and deter spiders because they cause discomfort. Please note, this organic pest control method to get rid of spiders may kill the spiders depending on the variety of adhesive used. Ultrasonic devices have been said to make spiders flee when plugged into a normal outlet. Though the high-frequency tone is not audible to pets or humans, reportedly they are a major pest deterrent. Be careful as they do not work for everyone.

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Make them uncomfortable – Many varieties of spiders prefer damp, quiet spaces. Run a dehumidifier in your basement and remove bed skirts from beds. Choose plain decorating over elaborate, preferring straight curtains or blinds over heavily pleated or draped varieties. Hang pictures flush with the wall with little clearance between the top of the frame and the wall itself.

You may want to reconsider the plan to get rid of spiders, as they are a naturally helpful insect control method, an organic pest control method in themselves. If you just can’t tolerate house spiders, please consider the previous green alternatives to poison. It’s healthier for the environment and the methods learned will provide a lifestyle change that will keep the arachnids at bay for a long time.