Get Rid of Bees the Natural Way

Spring is such a wonderful season to head out to the backyard. It is the time when all the flowers are in full bloom, making it such a welcome sight to see after all that snow the previous winter. But the presence of full-bloomed flowers would bring about bees to visit your backyard. While bees are part of the ecological cycle to help plants and flowers pollinate, walking around the backyard when there are bees around can cause you to run back to your home.

Chemical insecticides were used in the past to get rid of the bees. However, keep in mind that bees are there for a purpose. Since the use of insecticides greatly reduces the amount of bees in your community, it brings about a shift in the delicate balance in your natural surroundings. There are natural alternatives that would help you get rid of bees without having to kill them. Here are just a few natural deterrents to help you get rid of bees buzzing about in your backyard.

Citronella Candles

One way to get rid of bees the natural way is to use plant citronella around your house. Citronella releases an odor that is pleasant to humans but extremely foul on bees and mosquitoes. The aroma of citronella plants would be able to help you get rid of bees in your backyard. An alternative to this is to use citronella candles or incense. During the day, light a couple of these incense and leave them along your backyard. The scent coming from these incense or candles would help you get rid of bees without decreasing their population.

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Cucumber Peels

Cucumber is another great natural pest repellent. As with citronella plants, cucumber peels release an aroma that deters most household pests, including bees. Simply scatter some cucumber peels around your backyard. The more cucumber peels, the better. The great thing about using cucumber peels is that after some time, they would eventually serve as healthy fertilizer for your plants. The cucumber that you have peeled can be used to relieve your tired eyes or make a great detoxifying salad. As such, you are not only able to get rid of bees in your garden. You are also able to keep yourself healthy as well.

Sugar Water

Another great way to get rid of bees naturally from your home is to use sugar water. Bees are attracted to the sweet scent of honey being emitted by the flowers in bloom. You can easily mimic this by mixing some sugar into water and putting this in a basin. Place the basin outside in your garden. The bees would be attracted to the sweet smell that the sugar water mixture would bring out. Soon, the bees would fall into the water and drown. To make it a lot more effective, add a little soap into the mixture to help break the surface tension of the water.