Get Rid of Bad Breath for Good!

Have you ever smelled someone’s stinking breath? It can be a very bad experience and there are some people who simply developed a phobia against it. But, having bad breath? Now, that’s a totally different ( and embarrassing ) story. We, humans, are social animals and we love the idea of face-to-face interaction. What could have been a winning deal, interview, or job can be ruined by a breath that stinks.

Know that millions of people the world over suffer from bad breath, so you are definitely not alone in your troubles. It can really have a negative impact on your self-esteem, which, at its worst can even be a cause for chronic depression. Medically known by the name ” Halitosis, ” bad breath is a result of bacteria living in your mouth, tongue, and tonsils. There are many factors why a person can have bad breath and it is not something that happened overnight.

What Causes Bad Breath?

1. Bad breath is caused by VSC or Volatile Sulfur Compounds found in the mouth. These are caused by some foods like a deep-fried serving of onion rings.
2. Bad oral care or hygiene. You need to brush your teeth 2-3 times a day, including the tongue.
3. Tooth Decay
4. Plaques growing on your tongue ( surprised? )
5. Dentures
6. Bacteria
7. Diabetes, Gingivitis, lung abscess, throat cancer, etc.
8. Too much use of alcohol-based mouthwash before sleeping
9. Throat Infection
10. Smoking and Drug Abuse
11. Vitamin B and Zinc Deficiency

Can You Cure Bad Breath Naturally?

YES. There is always a natural alternative in making sure you have a minty fresh breath by:

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1. Avoiding spicy foods or limiting the number of spicy foods one take in a day
2. Staying away from cigarettes, since nicotine can really make your breath stink
3. Brushing your teeth after every meal, specially after eating milk, fish, or any meat
4. Flossing your teeth and replacing your toothbrush regularly
5. Avoiding mouthwash with alcohol and dye. Read Your labels well and choose those with zinc, sodium chloride, or chlorine dioxide to help you fight nasty bacteria.
6. Eating plain yogurt for 6 weeks. Research made in the year 2005 by the International Association for Dental Research shows doing this can lessen bacteria in your mouth by 80%.
7. Rinsing your mouth using water with squeezed lemon juice before you go to sleep
8. Keeping your tongue clean with a tongue cleaner or brush
9. Loving your herbs and choosing a natural toothpaste with peppermint, clove, spearmint, cinnamon, and grape seed oil blends

If you have a persistent gum and teeth problem, talk to your periodontist about it. You may also ask how to brush your teeth properly and have your bad tooth removed or restored. By being free from bad breath, you make more meaningful interactions, minus the disgusting look people throw at you. A good oral hygiene will definitely help you in long term. Love Fresh Breath!