Get Rid of Ants in Kitchen

There are around 12,000 species of ants worldwide and there are a huge variety of things each kind of ant eats. Some eat sweets, some eat protein like dead insects, and some even make a farm to grow their own fungus to eat.
To get rid of ants from the kitchen is very great task and irritable. I would like to give some tips to get rid of ants in your kitchen.
Vinegar: Another very effective method to get rid of ants is to spray vinegar on their entry paths. Strong scent of vinegar repels ants. Baby Powder: Sprinkle baby powder, wherever you see ants. They hate scented talcum and hence, stay away from it.

Boiling Water: Pour at least 5 liters of boiling water over an average size anthill slowly to ensure mound collapse and the destruction of the ants, food and larvae.

Citrus Oil: The powerful oils extracted from the peels of popular citrus fruits, particularly oranges, are naturally toxic to ants. Mix citrus oil and water together to drench an anthill or spray anywhere there isant activity Chilly Powder: Putting chilly powder on the nests of ants is another very old home remedy that can help to get rid of them.

Mint: Used mint tea bags are very effective in driving away ants. Put mint tea bags at the points from where ants enter. Mint leaves can also be dried and crushed into a powder, which can be sprinkled at the entry points Lemons: mix up about half lemon juice and half water. Put this in a spray bottle and spray everywhere ants are seen and anywhere they can enter.

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Black pepper: Put this on them or nest of ants. It will work. Soap: If you know the entry points of ants, just put some soap. One can also mix soap in water and spray the mixture on them.

Peppermint oil: Another best way to check ants entering your house is to spray peppermint oil in all the room cor
ners, kitchen and cabinets.

Cucumber: Placing small piece of cucumber in ants affected area will force them to leave your kitchen.

Borax powder: You can even use borax in powder fromto kill ants mixed with anything sweet to get rid of ants. The mixture ratio should be 2 parts sweet substance to 1 part boric acid. It is supposed to be a very effective way to eliminate ants.

If all these won’t work, a professional pest control will need to come out and cure the problem. Yes, ants can be 100% cured. Then with regular follow-up treatments, ants can be 100% prevented. Make sure you always keep your kitchen clean, when its clean you can avoid ants. Warning: Be careful around sick people, children’s and Pets. Its better to avoid these methods around them.

(Collected from the various internet source)